Hip Hook: How Does it Work and is it Legit?

  • The psoas muscle should be addressed in order to maintain hip health (1)
  • Pressure akin to the Hip Hook can significantly lessen pain and improve hip range of motion (2).
  • Manual therapy improved hip range of motion and decreased pain in athletes with hip-related issues (3).
Hip Hook How Does it Work and is it Legit

Are you sick of being immobile and suffering from nagging hip discomfort? The Hip Hook is a ground-breaking tool that claims to reduce hip pain and enhance your overall hip health. But how does it function and does it really have the claimed level of effectiveness? We'll examine the Hip Hook's mechanics in detail and determine whether it's a practical solution or just another fitness fad in this article. The Hip Hook, created by renowned movement specialist, physical therapist, and chiropractor Dr. Sarah Duvall, is intended to target the psoas muscle, a key component of hip function. The Hip Hook works to loosen this deep-seated muscle, improve flexibility, and alleviate pain by gently applying pressure to it. But does the hype match the reality? Join us as we expose the truth about the Hip Hook, its advantages, and its potential disadvantages so you can decide if it is the best tool for your journey toward hip health.

Understanding the mechanics of the Hip Hook

The Hip Hook was created by Dr. Sarah Duvall, a well-known physical therapist, chiropractor, and movement specialist. It is intended to target the psoas muscle, which is a key component of hip function. The psoas muscle, also referred to as the hip flexor, flexes the hip joint and is essential for maintaining good posture and balance.

The Hip Hook is a tiny, portable tool that you can use to gently squeeze the psoas muscle. By doing this, it aims to ease stress, improve flexibility, and lessen hip pain. It is simpler to target and apply pressure precisely thanks to the device's distinctive shape, which follows the contours of the psoas muscle.

In order to use the Hip Hook, you simply need to lay on your back with the device directly over the psoas muscle. You can gradually relieve tension and tightness in the muscle with light pressure. You have control over the intensity and length of the therapy session thanks to the Hip Hook's self-application design.

Benefits of using the Hip Hook

For those who struggle with hip pain and restricted mobility, the Hip Hook may offer a variety of advantages. It aims to deal with the underlying cause of many hip-related problems by specifically targeting the psoas muscle. The following are some potential advantages of using the hip hook:

1. Pain relief

The Hip Hook's capacity to loosen muscle tension in the psoas can assist in reducing hip pain. Hip flexor tightness can cause discomfort and even radiating pain in the legs, lower back, and hips. The Hip Hook is designed to relieve this tension, thereby enhancing comfort.

2. Improved flexibility

Tight hip flexors can limit flexibility and limit your range of motion. The targeted pressure of the Hip Hook is intended to lengthen and stretch the psoas muscle, encouraging greater flexibility in the hip joint. For people who depend on hip mobility for their activities, such as athletes, dancers, and others, this can be especially helpful.

3. Enhanced posture and alignment

Improved alignment and posture are a result of the psoas muscle, which is important for maintaining both. It can cause postural problems and aches and pains when the muscle is tight or imbalanced. The Hip Hook aids in realigning the body and improves posture by relieving pressure on the psoas muscle.

4. Improved performance

For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, optimal hip function is crucial to high levels of performance. The Hip Hook seeks to increase hip mobility, which can improve athletic performance and prevent injuries, by addressing tightness and tension in the psoas muscle.

Even though these advantages seem encouraging, it's crucial to learn more about the research and studies that have been done on the Hip Hook's efficacy.

Research and studies on the effectiveness of the Hip Hook

Only a small amount of specialized scientific research has been done on the Hip Hook. The psoas muscle should be addressed in order to maintain hip health, according to the available research (1). The correlation between tight hip flexors and hip pain, restricted range of motion, and postural imbalances has been demonstrated in numerous studies.

According to a study found in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, people with hip osteoarthritis who received targeted manual therapy techniques, similar to the pressure used by the Hip Hook, experienced significantly less pain and had improved hip range of motion (2). Another investigation presented in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy showed that manual therapy, which included psoas muscle targeting techniques, improved hip range of motion and decreased pain in athletes with hip-related issues (3).

Even though these studies give the Hip Hook some oblique support for its potential usefulness, more analysis of the device's effects is required. To ascertain whether the Hip Hook is suitable for your particular condition, you should speak with medical professionals and physical therapists.

How to use the Hip Hook correctly

It's crucial to use the Hip Hook properly if you want to benefit the most from your sessions. Here are some actions to take for ideal usage:

1. Warm-up

Before using the Hip Hook, it's important to get your body warmed up and get your muscles ready for therapy. Increase blood flow and relax the muscles around your hips by doing some light cardio exercises or gentle stretching.

2. Find the right position

On a comfortable surface, lie on your back. Underneath your hip, place the Hip Hook so that it is directly over the psoas muscle. Once you experience the desired pressure on the muscle, adjust the device's position.

3. Apply gentle pressure

Begin with a light touch and build up gradually as necessary to feel comfortable. As it may cause discomfort or injury, avoid using excessive force. Pay attention to your body, then adjust the pressure.

4. Controlled breathing

Pay attention to your breathing as you apply the Hip Hook. This may aid in muscle relaxation and increase the therapeutic session's efficacy.

5. Duration and frequency

Beginning with shorter sessions of about five minutes, gradually increase the length as your body adjusts. However, be sure to pay attention to your body's reaction and change the frequency as necessary.

You can guarantee a secure and productive Hip Hook session by adhering to these rules.

Tips for getting the most out of your Hip Hook sessions

Consider using these extra suggestions in addition to the Hip Hook to maximize its advantages:

Combine with other exercises

While using the Hip Hook alone can be beneficial, combining it with other exercises and stretches can improve the health of your hips even more. Develop an extensive hip-strengthening and stretching routine in consultation with a physical therapist or movement specialist.

Stay consistent

Just like with any form of therapy or exercise, reliability is essential. For long-term advantages, regularly incorporate Hip Hook sessions into your routine. Make it a priority in your quest for hip health by creating a schedule and sticking to it.

Listen to your body

Observe how your body reacts to the Hip Hook. Stop using immediately and seek medical advice if you feel any pain or discomfort. Since every person's body is different, it's crucial to modify the intensity and frequency of your sessions in accordance with your particular requirements.

Customer reviews and testimonials

The effectiveness of the Hip Hook can be better understood by examining customer feedback and testimonials. Although individual results may vary, favorable reviews frequently point out the device's capacity to reduce hip pain, increase flexibility, and improve hip health in general. Numerous users claim that after regularly using the Hip Hook, their range of motion significantly improved and their discomfort decreased.

To gain a well-rounded understanding of how the Hip Hook may function for various people, it's crucial to read a variety of reviews. Remember that every person's experiences are unique, and it is always advisable to seek the advice of healthcare professionals for specific recommendations.

Alternatives to the Hip Hook

While some people may find the Hip Hook to be an effective treatment, it's crucial to look into other options to reduce hip pain and enhance hip health. Here are some alternatives to think about:

Manual therapy

Getting the assistance of a physical therapist or a licensed manual therapist can help with targeted treatment for hip pain and enhance hip function as a whole. These experts are able to use methods akin to those employed with the Hip Hook, but with the added advantage of individualized support and knowledge.

Stretching and yoga

Including regular yoga and stretching exercises can help increase hip flexibility and reduce hip-related tension. Consider doing poses like lunges, pigeon pose, and butterfly stretch that concentrate on the hip flexors.


While increasing flexibility, Pilates exercises can help to strengthen the muscles that surround the hip joint. Numerous Pilates exercises concentrate on the hip and core muscles, improving hip stability and function.

To find the best course of action for your unique condition, don't forget to consult with medical experts.

DIY Hip Hook

You can make your own Hip Hook using common household items if you're on a tight budget or prefer a do-it-yourself method. One solution is to use a tennis ball or lacrosse ball and put it inside a long sock with a knot to keep it in place. Similar to the Hip Hook, this improvised tool can be used to target the psoas muscle and apply pressure to relieve tension. It may not offer the same level of accuracy as the Hip Hook, but it can still provide some benefits and relief.

Hip Hook vs Pso-Rite

You might discover the Pso-Rite, another comparable tool, when looking into hip health tools. Targeting numerous muscles, including the psoas muscle, the Pso-Rite is a flexible massage and trigger point release tool. Both the Hip Hook and Pso-Rite aim to relieve hip discomfort, but their designs and uses are slightly different.

As was already mentioned, the Hip Hook is made specifically to target the psoas muscle. Its hook-shaped end enables precise pressure application and targeting. On the other hand, the Pso-Rite is a more flexible tool that can be used to target a variety of muscles throughout the body, including the psoas muscle. It has a distinctive shape that enables a variety of angles and positions, offering a wider range of applications.

Your particular requirements and preferences will ultimately determine whether you choose the Hip Hook or the Pso-Rite. The Hip Hook might be your best choice if you're primarily looking for a tool to target the psoas muscle. The Pso-Rite, however, might be a better option if you're looking for a more adaptable device that can target a variety of muscles.

Where to buy the Hip Hook

Direct purchases of the Hip Hook can be made from the website of Dr. Sarah Duvall, who invented it. Additionally, it might be accessible at a few brick-and-mortar stores or online marketplaces. To ensure the legitimacy of the product, exercise caution when making purchases from third-party sellers.

To find out if the Hip Hook is the best tool for your unique needs, think about speaking with medical professionals or physical therapists before making a purchase.


1. Are Hip Hooks secure?

In general, when used properly, the hip hook is regarded as safe. The pressure should be adjusted as necessary, but it's crucial to pay attention to your body. Avoid using excessive or sudden pain, and seek advice from a medical professional or physical therapist before using the Hip Hook if you have any underlying medical conditions or concerns.

2. Does the Hip Hook actually function?

Numerous users report success when using the Hip Hook, though individual results may vary. Hip discomfort can be relieved and hip mobility enhanced with targeted psoas muscle release. The fact that scientific research is still quite limited must be noted.

Conclusion: Is the Hip Hook worth it?

The Hip Hook provides a novel method for treating hip pain and enhancing hip health. It seeks to relieve stress, improve flexibility, and reduce discomfort by concentrating on the psoas muscle specifically. Even though there hasn't been much direct scientific research on the Hip Hook, the psoas muscle has been shown to be crucial to hip health.

The Hip Hook might have measurable advantages when used properly and in combination with other exercises or treatments. However, because every person's experiences are unique, it's crucial to speak with medical experts to find the best course of action for your particular condition.

The Hip Hook may be an option to consider if you're sick of struggling with hip pain and restricted mobility. It provides a focused solution that may help your hip health and general wellbeing by concentrating on the psoas muscle.


  1. Siccardi, M. A., Tariq, M. A., & Valle, C. (2020). Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Psoas Major. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK535418/ ‌
  2. Hoeksma, H. L. (2005). Manual therapy in osteoarthritis of the hip: outcome in subgroups of patients. Rheumatology, 44(4), 461–464. https://doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/keh482 ‌https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15695307/
  3. Tyler, T. F., Fukunaga, T., & Gellert, J. (2014). Rehabilitation of soft tissue injuries of the hip and pelvis. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 9(6), 785–797. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4223288/


All the content on this blog, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, are solely to provide information only. Any information/statements on this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, and should NOT be a substitute for health and medical advice that can be provided by your own physician/medical doctor.  We at Nano Singapore Shop, encourage you to consult a doctor before making any health or diet changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition.


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