7 Must-Try Home Wrestling Workouts for Supreme Strength

  • The physical demands of wrestling include explosiveness, power, and endurance.
  • Strength training enhances bone density and joint health in addition to helping you gain muscle mass.
  • Home wrestling workouts allow you to train whenever it's convenient for you.
7 Must-Try Home Wrestling Workouts for Supreme Strength

Looking to improve your wrestling technique? Look nowhere else! This article will go over seven at-home wrestling workouts that you absolutely must try if you want to develop unbeatable strength and dominate your opponents. These exercises are made to target the precise muscles and movements that are essential for success in the sport of wrestling, regardless of your experience level. We have everything you need, from core-strengthening drills to exercises that build explosive power. These exercises will not only increase your physical strength but also your agility, speed, and endurance, all of which are essential for becoming a top-tier wrestler. Prepare to ramp up your training and reach your full potential as a result. With these seven at-home wrestling workouts, get ready to become a force to be reckoned with on the mat.

Benefits of Home Wrestling Workouts

Strength is everything in the sport of wrestling. It serves as the cornerstone on which all other skills are constructed. You can gain a plethora of advantages from including at-home wrestling workouts in your regimen that will inevitably lead to success on the mat.

Home wrestling workouts allow you to train whenever it's convenient for you, first and foremost. You are no longer dependent on gym hours or travel time to the training facility. You have the freedom to train whenever and wherever you want with these exercises. This convenience factor can significantly improve your consistency and adherence to your training schedule, which will eventually lead to better results.

Home wrestling workouts are not only convenient, but they also cost less money. Gym dues and training costs can add up quickly, particularly for athletes on a tight budget. You can avoid these extra expenses while maintaining the same level of strength and conditioning by using these exercises.

Home wrestling workouts also offer a degree of privacy, which may be advantageous for some athletes. Away from other people's prying eyes, some wrestlers prefer to train by themselves. This enables them to avoid being sidetracked by the presence of others and concentrate solely on their own performance. You can push yourself to your limits by training in the comfort of your own home, which can create a more focused and controlled environment.

Importance of Strength Training in Wrestling

It's important to understand why strength training is so important for success in wrestling before we get into the specific at-home wrestling workouts. The physical demands of wrestling include explosiveness, power, and endurance. It is challenging to carry out moves efficiently and keep control over your opponent without a strong base of strength.

Strength training enhances bone density and overall joint health in addition to helping you gain muscle mass. This is crucial in a contact sport like wrestling where accidents happen frequently. Strengthening your bones and muscles creates a layer of protection that can reduce the possibility of injuries and lengthen your time playing the sport.

Strength training also enhances your body's capacity to exert force quickly. Explosive movements, including takedowns, escapes, and reversals, are the foundation of wrestling. You can develop the skills necessary to perform these movements precisely and effectively by including exercises that emphasize speed and power.

The final step in improving your overall athleticism is strength training. Your balance, coordination, and agility all get better, which is beneficial for navigating the mat. In addition to having the physical strength to defeat opponents, a strong wrestler also has the agility and coordination necessary to outmaneuver them.

Having established the significance of strength training in wrestling, let's examine the seven at-home wrestling workouts you absolutely must try in order to develop unrivaled strength.

1. Bodyweight Exercises: Push-Ups and Squats

Any wrestler looking to increase strength at home should start with bodyweight exercises. Squats and push-ups are two fundamental exercises that work a variety of muscle groups and can be adjusted to suit various levels of fitness.

Push-ups concentrate their energy on the chest, shoulders, and triceps, which are essential for building upper body strength. Additionally, they work your core muscles, which aids in creating a solid and stable center of gravity. You can raise your feet or use a weighted vest to add resistance to push-ups to make them harder.

Conversely, squats are a compound exercise that concentrates on the lower body, especially the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. They lay the groundwork for explosive leg power and imitate the takedown-related movements. You can perform jump squats to add a plyometric component to squats or hold a weight in front of your chest to make them more difficult.

Build strength and power in both your upper and lower body by including push-ups and squats in your at-home wrestling workouts.

2. Plyometric Exercises: Box Jumps and Medicine Ball Throws

Explosive power, which is essential in wrestling, can only be developed through plyometric exercises. These exercises involve quick muscle contractions followed by an energetic release. Plyometric exercises will help you increase the speed and effectiveness with which you can generate force during your at-home wrestling workouts.

A traditional plyometric exercise that targets the lower body and raises vertical leap is the box jump. Find a stable platform or box that is challenging for you in height. Kneel down in front of the box, then explode upward while landing softly on top of it. After the desired number of repetitions, lower yourself and repeat.

Throwing a medicine ball is another efficient all-body plyometric exercise. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and bending your knees slightly, hold a medicine ball in each hand. Toss the ball as far as you can, extend your hips, arms, and legs explosively. Replicate the motion and catch the ball when it rebounds.

To increase your explosive power and improve your takedowns, incorporate box jumps and medicine ball throws into your at-home wrestling workouts.

3. Resistance Band Exercises: Rows and Pull-Aparts

Resistance bands are a flexible tool that can be used for a number of exercises tailored specifically for wrestling. In a different way than with conventional weights, they continuously tension your muscles throughout the movement. They are ideal for at-home workouts because they are also lightweight and portable.

Exercises like rows are excellent for strengthening the muscles in your upper back, shoulders, and arms. The resistance band should be fastened to a strong object at waist level. Holding the band in both hands, stand facing the anchor point. In order to pull the band toward your chest, squeeze your shoulder blades together until you feel tension in the band. Repeat after a slow release.

Another efficient exercise that strengthens the muscles in your upper back and shoulders is pulling yourself apart. Hold the resistance band in front of you with both hands at shoulder height. Squeezing your shoulder blades together as you do so, pull the band apart. Return slowly to your starting position and then repeat.

Use resistance band exercises like rows and pull-aparts to strengthen your upper back and increase your pulling strength during your at-home wrestling workouts.

4. Core-Strengthening Exercises: Plank and Russian Twists

In wrestling, having a powerful core is crucial for maintaining stability and producing power. Your home wrestling workouts should always include core-strengthening exercises to improve your balance, control, and overall strength.

The plank is a straightforward but efficient exercise that works every part of your core, including your glutes, lower back, and abs. Push yourself up into the air, then lower yourself to your forearms. Engage your core muscles and keep your body in a straight line from head to toe. With each workout, try to extend the amount of time you can hold this position.

Another great exercise that strengthens your obliques and increases your rotational power is the Russian twist. Kneel down on the floor with your feet flat on the floor. While maintaining a straight back, lean back slightly. When you rotate your torso from side to side while holding a kettlebell or a medicine ball, you will be able to touch the weight to the ground on each side.

To build a rock-solid core and enhance your balance and control on the mat, incorporate core-strengthening exercises into your at-home wrestling workouts, such as the plank and Russian twists.

5. Agility Drills: Ladder Drills and Shuttle Runs

Wrestling requires a lot of agility. You can have an advantage over your rivals if you have the ability to change directions quickly and effectively. Your footwork, reaction time, and overall speed on the mat can all be improved by incorporating agility drills into your at-home wrestling workouts.

Ladder drills are a common option for enhancing coordination and foot speed. Perform a variety of drills, including high knees, lateral hops, and quick feet, while setting up an agility ladder on the ground. As you perform the drill, concentrate on moving as quickly and precisely as you can while maintaining good form.

Another good agility exercise that simulates the quick bursts of speed needed for wrestling is the shuttle run. Create two cones or markers and place them close together. Starting at one cone, run to the other while reaching out and touching it. Swiftly alter your course and run back to the starting cone. The desired number of times should be repeated.

Improve your footwork, reaction time, and overall speed on the mat by including agility drills like ladder drills and shuttle runs in your at-home wrestling workouts.

6. Endurance Training: Jumping Rope and Burpees

Wrestling matches can be physically demanding and last for several minutes, so endurance is essential. You can increase your cardiovascular fitness and stamina on the mat by incorporating endurance training into your at-home wrestling workouts.

Jumping rope is a well-known endurance activity that strengthens your heart while also enhancing your coordination and footwork. Beginning by holding the jump rope handles with your palms facing forward. With both feet, leap over the rope while concentrating on keeping a steady beat. As you gain experience, push yourself with new variations like double unders or alternating feet.

A full-body workout that combines strength, cardio, and endurance are burpees. As you start out standing, squat down and put your hands on the ground in front of you. Jump your feet back towards your hands, then kick your feet back into a push-up position. Reach your arms up in the air and leap explosively. Repeat the motion as you land softly.

Improve your cardiovascular fitness and stamina on the mat by incorporating endurance exercises into your at-home wrestling workouts, such as jumping rope and burpees.

7. Flexibility and Mobility Exercises: Yoga and Foam Rolling

Although they are frequently ignored, flexibility and mobility are crucial for both overall performance and injury prevention in wrestling. Your range of motion can be increased, muscle soreness can be decreased, and your body's ability to recover can be improved by incorporating flexibility and mobility exercises into your at-home wrestling workouts.

Yoga is a great way to increase your body awareness, flexibility, and balance. There are numerous online articles and instructional videos that walk you through yoga poses made especially for athletes. Concentrate on poses that stretch out the hips, hamstrings, shoulders, and spine because wrestlers often have tight or restricted areas in these areas.

Foam rolling is a form of self-massage that promotes circulation and helps to relieve muscle tension. You can target tight muscles and knots with a foam roller, promoting quicker healing and lowering the risk of injuries. Apply pressure to any tight or sore areas by rolling over them with the foam roller. Give the calves, quads, glutes, and upper back extra attention.

Improve your range of motion, lessen muscle soreness, and speed up your recovery by incorporating flexibility and mobility exercises like yoga and foam rolling into your at-home wrestling workouts.

Putting it all together: Sample Home Wrestling Workout Routine

Let's put everything we've learned about the seven must-try at-home wrestling workouts into a sample workout plan that you can use. This exercise program combines exercises from each category to provide a balanced and thorough training session.

1. Warm-up: To get your blood flowing and loosen up your muscles, begin with 5 to 10 minutes of light cardio, like jogging or jumping jacks.

2. Bodyweight Exercises: Push-ups and squats should be done in three sets, with each set consisting of 10 to 15 repetitions. Between each set, take a 60-second break.

3. Plyometric Exercises: Perform three sets of 8–10 repetitions each of box jumps and medicine ball throws. Between each set, take a 60-second break.

4. Resistance Band Exercises: Perform three sets of rows and pull-aparts with a resistance band, aiming for 12–15 repetitions per set. Between each set, take a 60-second break.

5. Core-Strengthening Exercises: Perform three sets of planks and Russian twists, aiming for a plank hold of 30 to 60 seconds and 12 to 15 repetitions per set. Between each set, take a 60-second break.

6. Agility Drills: Perform ladder drills and shuttle runs for 10-15 minutes, focusing on maintaining proper form and moving as quickly as possible.

7. Endurance Training: Jump rope for 5 to 10 minutes while switching between challenging variations for endurance training. After that, perform three sets of burpees with an emphasis on 8–10 repetitions per set. Between each set, take a 60-second break.

8. Flexibility and Mobility Exercises: To conclude your workout, do a 10-minute yoga session with a focus on poses that strengthen the hips, hamstrings, shoulders, and spine. After that, foam roll for five minutes, concentrating on any tight or sore areas.

After your workout, don't forget to stretch and cool down to promote muscle recovery.

Safety Tips for Home Wrestling Workouts

Home wrestling workouts can be very beneficial, but it's crucial to put safety first to avoid injuries. Observe the following safety advice:

  • Before every workout, warm up properly to get your muscles ready for the demands of training.
  • To prevent unneeded strain or injury, perform each exercise with the correct form and technique. Consult a trained coach or trainer for advice if you're unsure of your form.
  • If you're new to strength training, start with lighter weights or modified exercises. As you get more comfortable and skilled, gradually up the intensity and difficulty.
  • Observe your body's needs and take rest days as necessary. Fatigue, lowered performance, and an elevated risk of injuries can result from overtraining.
  • To support recovery and muscle growth, stay hydrated throughout your workouts and feed your body with the right foods.
  • Before beginning a new exercise regimen, speak with a healthcare provider if you have any current injuries or illnesses.


Your strength, speed, and endurance for the sport will increase if you include home wrestling workouts in your regimen. You can improve your mat performance and dominate your opponents by focusing on the specific muscles and movements needed for wrestling. Always put safety first, work out harder but gradually, and pay attention to your body. These seven at-home wrestling workouts that you simply must try will enable you to reach your full potential and establish yourself as a formidable opponent. So put on your wrestling shoes, make some room in your living room, and get ready to up your game!


  1. Francino, L., Villarroel, B., Valdés-Badilla, P., Ramirez-Campillo, R., Báez-San Martín, E., Ojeda-Aravena, A., Aedo-Muñoz, E., Pardo-Tamayo, C., & Herrera-Valenzuela, T. (2022). Effect of a Six Week In-Season Training Program on Wrestling-Specific Competitive Performance. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15), 9325. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19159325 ‌https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9368167/


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