Probiotic Tea: The Benefits, Facts and Myths

  • Probiotic tea can aid in better digestion by increasing the amount of beneficial bacteria in your gut.
  • Probiotic tea has also been demonstrated to improve mental health.
  • It's crucial to pick a probiotic tea that's been correctly fermented and made with premium ingredients.
A close-up image of small, rice-sized testosterone pellets displayed on a clean, neutral background. The pellets should be clear and detailed, showing their compact, tablet-like form

Probiotic tea is a type of beverage that is becoming more and more well-liked among both tea lovers and health-conscious consumers. It is produced by fermenting tea with advantageous yeast, bacteria, and occasionally sugar. The outcome is a delicious and healthy beverage that can enhance immunity, improve digestion, and offer a host of other health advantages. Probiotic tea, despite its many advantages, is also the subject of some misunderstandings and urban legends. Probiotic tea has many positive effects on your health and wellbeing, which we will examine in this article along with some facts and myths surrounding it. This article is for you if you enjoy tea and want to try something new or if you want to improve the health of your gut. So grab a cup of your preferred tea and join me as we delve into the world of probiotic tea.

What are probiotics and how do they work?

Live microorganisms known as probiotics are beneficial to your health in general and your digestive system in particular. Trillions of bacteria, both good and bad, reside in our bodies. The beneficial bacteria support the health of our digestive system and stop the growth of harmful bacteria. One way to increase the quantity of beneficial bacteria in your gut is by taking probiotics.

By reestablishing the natural balance of bacteria in your gut, probiotics work. They support digestion, nutrient absorption, and vitamin production. Additionally, they aid in halting the development of infection-causing bacteria. Probiotics have been demonstrated to enhance immunity, enhance digestion, and even aid in weight loss.

Many foods, including yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kombucha, contain probiotics. Another excellent source of probiotics is probiotic tea.

Benefits of probiotic tea

What is probiotic tea good for? Probiotic tea has many health benefits, including:

Improved digestion

By increasing the amount of beneficial bacteria in your gut, probiotic tea can aid in better digestion. The beneficial bacteria aid in food digestion and nutrient absorption. Bloating, constipation, and other digestive problems may be avoided as a result.

Boosted immunity

By boosting the quantity of beneficial bacteria in your gut, probiotic tea can strengthen your immune system. The beneficial bacteria aid in the defense against viruses and harmful bacteria that can lead to infections.

Reduced inflammation

Anti-inflammatory properties in probiotic tea can help the body lessen inflammation. Numerous health issues, including heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease, have been linked to chronic inflammation.

Improved mental health

Probiotic tea has been demonstrated to improve mental health. By boosting serotonin production, a neurotransmitter that controls mood, the beneficial bacteria in probiotic tea can help lessen anxiety and depression.

Weight loss

By enhancing digestion and lowering inflammatory markers in the body, probiotic tea can aid in weight loss. Additionally, it can aid in lowering cravings and boosting feelings of fullness.

Myths about probiotic tea

There are some misconceptions and myths surrounding probiotic tea. Here are a few:

Myth: Probiotic tea is a cure-all

Probiotic tea is not a panacea for all medical conditions. It is not a replacement for a healthy diet and way of life, even though it can help with gut health and immunity.

Myth: All probiotic teas are the same

Probiotic teas are not all created equal. It's possible that some probiotic teas contain more good bacteria than others. It's crucial to pick a probiotic tea that's been correctly fermented and made with premium ingredients.

Myth: Probiotic tea is only for people with digestive issues

Everyone can benefit from probiotic tea, not just those with digestive problems. It can aid in weight loss, immunity boosting, and mental health improvement.

Types of probiotic tea

There are several types of probiotic tea, including:


A symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast is used to make kombucha, a type of fermented tea. It has a tart flavor that is a little bit sweet, and fruit juices or herbs are frequently used to flavor it.

Jun tea

In contrast to kombucha, which is made with black tea and sugar, jun tea is made with green tea and honey. It has a delicate, floral taste and is frequently flavored with fruit or herbs.

Milk kefir tea

Kefir grains, a mixture of bacteria and yeast, are used to make milk kefir tea. The milk is mixed with the kefir grains and allowed to ferment, creating a tart, slightly sour beverage.

Water kefir tea

Water kefir grains, which are a blend of yeast and bacteria, are used to make water kefir tea. A slightly sweet, fizzy beverage is created by adding the grains to sugar water and letting them ferment.

How to choose the right probiotic tea for you

It's crucial to choose a probiotic tea that is made with premium ingredients and contains particular strains of bacteria and yeast. To reap the many health benefits of these strains, look for teas that contain Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Additionally, it's critical to select a tea with probiotics and a low sugar content because too much sugar can counteract the probiotics' health advantages.

It's a good idea to start with a small amount of probiotic tea and gradually increase your intake if you're new to drinking it. This will prevent any digestive discomfort by giving your body time to get used to the probiotics. Additionally, it's critical to properly store your probiotic tea because exposure to heat and light can destroy the good bacteria. For maximum potency, keep your tea in a cool, dark location.

How to brew probiotic tea

Making your own probiotic tea is simple and affordable. Tea leaves, sugar, and a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) are all required to make probiotic tea. The probiotics are produced by the SCOBY, which also ferments the tea. A SCOBY is available for purchase online or from a nearby vendor.

Start by making a pot of tea with the tea leaves and sugar to make your own probiotic tea. After the tea has reached room temperature, pour it into a glass jar. A rubber band will hold the SCOBY in place after you've added it to the jar and covered it with a cloth or paper towel. For 7 to 10 days, place the jar in a cool, dark location and let it ferment. The probiotics in the tea will be stronger the longer it is fermented. Remove the SCOBY after the tea has fermented to your preference, then refrigerate it in a glass container.

Probiotic tea vs other probiotic sources

One of the many sources of probiotics is probiotic tea. Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi are additional sources. Each probiotics source has special advantages and disadvantages of its own. For those who prefer to drink their probiotics rather than eat them, probiotic tea is a good source of the beneficial bacteria. Since many other sources of probiotics contain dairy, it's also a good choice for those who are lactose intolerant or vegan.

Probiotic tea is not the most effective probiotic source, though. Other sources, like yogurt and kefir, have higher probiotic content and may be more useful for treating specific medical conditions. It's also crucial to remember that not all probiotics are created equal. It's important to choose a probiotic source that contains the strains that are most beneficial for your particular health needs because different strains of bacteria and yeast can produce different health benefits.

Potential side effects of probiotic tea

Probiotic tea is generally thought to be safe, but there are some adverse effects that might occur. When first starting to take probiotics, some people may experience digestive discomfort like bloating, gas, or diarrhea. Usually, this is a brief side effect that disappears as the body gets used to the probiotics.

It's also critical to be aware of how much sugar is in probiotic tea. Some probiotic tea brands have high sugar content, which can counteract the health advantages of the probiotics and cause weight gain and other health issues. Look for probiotic teas with little to no added sugar when selecting one, or make your own at home.


1. Is probiotic tea good for you?

Yes, probiotic tea benefits your health. It is teeming with healthy bacteria that can enhance immunity, aid in better digestion, and offer a host of other health advantages.

2. Do probiotic teas work?

Yes, probiotic teas do indeed work. Probiotic strains like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are produced during the fermentation process, and they can help enhance gut health and general wellbeing.

3. Does hot water kill probiotics in tea?

Some probiotics can be killed by hot water, but not all of them. Probiotic tea contains hardy microorganisms that can endure hot water.

4. Can probiotics survive in hot tea?

Yes, probiotics can live in hot tea. Probiotic tea contains hardy microorganisms that can endure hot water.

5. Does green tea have probiotics?

Probiotics are not present in green tea. By fermenting tea with a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY), which gives it a mildly tangy and fizzy flavor, probiotic tea is created.

Conclusion: Is probiotic tea right for you?

Probiotic tea is a tasty and healthy beverage that has a number of health advantages. It can aid in weight loss, immune system improvement, inflammation reduction, and digestion improvement. Probiotic tea is a safe and efficient way to increase the amount of good bacteria in your gut, despite the fact that there are some misconceptions and myths about it. Probiotic tea is unquestionably worthwhile to try if you enjoy tea and are looking to branch out or if you want to improve the health of your digestive system.


  1. Tewari, S., Dubey, K. K., & Singhal, R. S. (2018). Evaluation and application of prebiotic and probiotic ingredients for development of ready to drink tea beverage. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(4), 1525–1534.


All the content on this blog, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, are solely to provide information only. Any information/statements on this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, and should NOT be a substitute for health and medical advice that can be provided by your own physician/medical doctor.  We at Nano Singapore Shop, encourage you to consult a doctor before making any health or diet changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition.


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