Can Men Really Have Periods? Here's Everything You Need To Know

  • Having periods is biologically impossible for cis men.
  • Some men have reported experiencing symptoms that are similar to those experienced during menstruation.
  • These symptoms are often referred to as Irritable Male Syndrome.
Can Men Really Have Periods Here's Everything You Need To Know

Men and periods – it's a topic that has been up for discussion and debate for many years. While traditionally thought to be a female experience, some men who identify as such have admitted to going through what they call "periods." But do men actually experience periods? The solution is more complicated than you might imagine. In this article, we'll examine the science behind periods and the reasons why some men may experience similar symptoms, which some refer to as the "man period" and others as Irritable Male Syndrome. So if you're interested about men's periods or just want to learn more, keep reading to learn everything there is to know about men and periods.

Can Cis Men Have Periods?

Men who are cisgender identify as males and were assigned male at birth. They lack the uterus and ovaries that are required for menstruation to take place. The release of hormones that cause the uterine lining to thicken in preparation for pregnancy results in the natural process of menstruation in females. In the absence of pregnancy, the lining is shed through the vagina as blood and tissue, which is what is known as a period.

As a result, having periods is not biologically possible for cis men. However, some men have claimed to experience symptoms that are comparable to menstrual cramps. Irritable Male Syndrome is a term that frequently refers to these symptoms.

What is Irritable Male Syndrome?

Men who have Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS) experience mood swings, irritability, and depression. The main hormone responsible for male sex, testosterone, is thought to be the culprit behind these symptoms. Because of the symptoms, IMS and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women are frequently compared.

Despite the fact that IMS is not a recognized medical condition, many medical experts think it is a real problem that affects men. IMS may be brought on by a confluence of hormonal imbalances, stress, and lifestyle factors, according to some researchers.

The Symptoms of Irritable Male Syndrome

IMS symptoms can vary from person to person, but they frequently include fatigue, decreased sex drive, mood swings, irritability, depression, and anxiety. A man's quality of life may be significantly impacted by these symptoms, which can be severe.

One of the most typical signs of IMS is mood swings. Men who have IMS may experience abrupt mood swings that range from rage to sadness. They might also have a short fuse and become easily irritated.

Anxiety and depression are also typical IMS symptoms. IMS in men can cause them to feel depressed, hopeless, and unworthy. Additionally, they might feel anxious, which can be debilitating and interfere with day-to-day activities.

The Causes of Irritable Male Syndrome

Although the precise causes of IMS are not fully understood, researchers think that a combination of hormonal imbalances, stress, and lifestyle factors may be to blame. Aging, obesity, and specific medical conditions are just a few of the causes of hormonal imbalances.

It is also thought that stress contributes to the emergence of IMS. High stress levels in men may increase their risk of developing IMS. In addition, IMS may develop as a result of lifestyle factors like a poor diet and inactivity.

How to Treat it

Although IMS cannot be cured, there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms. These include dietary adjustments, prescription drugs, and therapy.

Healthy eating and regular exercise are two lifestyle changes that can help with overall health and may even lessen the severity of IMS symptoms. Additionally, stress-reduction methods like yoga and meditation may help you manage your IMS symptoms.

Antidepressants and hormone replacement therapy are two additional drugs that may be prescribed to treat IMS symptoms. These drugs can elevate mood and help control hormone levels.

IMS symptoms may benefit from therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), in managing them. CBT can assist people in developing coping mechanisms for handling mood swings and other IMS symptoms.

The Difference Between Male and Female Periods

While men cannot traditionally have periods, some men may nonetheless experience symptoms that mirror those that women go through during their menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycles of men and women do, however, differ in some significant ways. Estrogen and progesterone, among other hormones, interact to control a woman's menstrual cycle. These hormones control how the uterine lining grows and sheds, which causes menstrual bleeding.

In contrast, because men lack uteruses, they are unable to have menstrual bleeding. Changes in testosterone levels, however, can lead to hormonal imbalances that produce signs and symptoms akin to those that women go through during their menstrual cycle. Changes in mood, irritability, fatigue, and decreased sex drive are a few examples of these symptoms.


1. What do guys have instead of periods?

Cis men do not experience periods because they lack uteruses. Due to hormonal changes, transgender men may experience bleeding or spotting, which they may refer to as their period.

2. Can men menstruate?

Since they lack uteruses, cis men are unable to menstruate. Due to hormonal changes, transgender men may experience bleeding or spotting, which they may refer to as their period.

3. Do guys get period cramps?

Due to the absence of a uterus, cis men do not experience period cramps. However, other medical conditions can cause some men to experience abdominal pain or discomfort resembling menstrual cramps.

4. Do men have hormonal cycles?

Yes, men do have hormonal cycles. These, though, are usually less noticeable than in women. The hormone levels of men change throughout the day, with testosterone levels peaking in the morning and troughing out in the afternoon.

5. Do men have PMS?

PMS affects men differently than it does women. Hormonal changes that take place during the menstrual cycle are what lead to PMS. Men do not experience PMS because they do not have a menstrual cycle.

6. How can a man experience a period?

Men do not have the reproductive organs needed to menstruate, as was previously stated. However, some men may experience signs resembling menstrual symptoms, such as fatigue, cramping, and mood swings. The term "Irritable Male Syndrome" describes this.

7. Do guys have periods everyday?

No, men do not experience periods in the same manner as women. However, due to hormonal imbalances, some men may experience period-like symptoms like fatigue and mood swings.

8. Do guys have periods without blood?

It is rare for men to experience bleeding as part of a period, as men do not have a uterus. However, some men might refer to other types of bleeding or discomfort as "period" symptoms, such as hemorrhoidal bleeding or digestive problems.

Conclusion: Do Men Have Periods?

In conclusion, cis men cannot experience periods due to biological reasons. However, some males may experience signs and symptoms resembling menstrual cramps. These signs and symptoms, also known as Irritable Male Syndrome, are thought to be brought on by hormonal imbalances, stress, and lifestyle choices.

Despite the fact that IMS is not a recognized medical condition, many medical experts think it is a real problem that affects men. The symptoms of IMS can be managed with the help of various treatment options, such as dietary adjustments, medication, and therapy. It is crucial to speak with a medical professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan if you are exhibiting symptoms of IMS.


  1. Lincoln G. A. (2001). The irritable male syndrome. Reproduction, fertility, and development13(7-8), 567–576.


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