14 Low Testosterone Symptoms in Men To Look Out For

  • Low testosterone levels may cause fatigue and reduced energy levels in men (1).
  • Low testosterone levels in men can lead to an increase in abdominal fat (14).
  • Gynecomastia, or the development of breast tissue in men, can occur in individuals with low testosterone levels (20).
Low Testosterone Symptoms in Men 14 Signs To Look Out For

Having low testosterone levels can lead to a number of health issues. Unfortunately, as men get older, their testosterone levels will inevitably decline. However, that does not mean young men are exempted from suffering from low testosterone as well. Thus, it's crucial that men monitor their testosterone levels by getting regular medical checkups. Some low testosterone symptoms in men include erectile dysfunction, mood swings, and a few others.

On average, most men should have testosterone concentrations of 300 to 1000 ng/dL, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). However, keep in mind that normal testosterone levels are also dependent on age.

As you get older, you can expect a drop in testosterone levels, which can lead to a few symptoms. However, if you've noticed some of these symptoms, it could be that you are suffering from low T levels, even if you are young. Hence, in this article, we'll be looking at the 14 symptoms of low testosterone..

14 Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Men

These are the 14 low testosterone symptoms according to research:

1. Low Energy Levels

Having low energy levels is one of the symptoms of having low testosterone levels. Researchers have discovered that testosterone plays a significant role in determining a man's overall level of energy. For instance, men who have low testosterone levels may experience decreased energy and feelings of fatigue (1). In addition to this, testosterone is accountable for the production of red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen to the muscles and tissues located throughout the body. Last but not least, a decrease in testosterone levels may lead to a decrease in the production of red blood cells, which in turn results in a reduction in the amount of oxygen that is delivered to muscles. Sadly, this can be a factor in feelings of fatigue as well as low levels of energy (2).

2. Mood Swings

Another sign of low testosterone levels in men is mood swings. Interestingly, testosterone does in fact affect the brain and helps regulate mood. So, low testosterone has been linked to depression, anger, and other mood disorders (3). Also, testosterone changes how much neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine are in the brain. They both play a role in regulating mood. Plus, having low levels of testosterone can cause these neurotransmitters' levels to go down. This decrease eventually leads to mood swings and other mood disorders (4).

3. Loss of Motivation

Low testosterone is one of the causes of motivational loss. Men with low testosterone levels are more likely to be unmotivated. Testosterone, as we've established, stimulates dopamine release in the brain. This neurotransmitter is involved in both drive and satisfaction after a task well done (5). Dopamine production can be reduced when testosterone levels are low, leading to a lack of drive. In addition, low testosterone levels can lessen a man's sensitivity to positive emotions like pleasure and appreciation (6).

4. Difficulty Concentrating

Low levels of testosterone in men have been linked to a low attention span. Testosterone influences the brain and helps control mental processes. However, this effect is not exclusive to men. Problems with memory, focus, and concentration are just some of the cognitive symptoms that have been linked to low testosterone levels (7). Brain neurons are critical to the functioning of cognitive processes, and testosterone plays a role in both their development and maintenance. Concentration and memory issues can result from low testosterone levels because of the disruption in neurodevelopment and maintenance (8).

5. Decreased Muscle Mass and Strength

Looking small and seeing no progress? It may be that your testosterone levels are letting you down badly. Testosterone is responsible for building and maintaining gains and strength in men. Therefore, it makes total sense that losing muscle and strength is a result of low testosterone. For example, research shows that testosterone controls how muscle proteins are made and helps maintain muscle mass (9). Because of this, when testosterone levels go down, muscle protein synthesis goes down and protein breakdown goes up. This process means a decrease in overall muscle mass and strength. Plus, low testosterone levels cause men to add a few extra inches of body fat. This can further contribute to decreased muscle mass and strength.

6. Decreased Physical Performance

Not feeling well while working out? It could be that low testosterone is to blame. Athletes frequently have low testosterone levels. Men's physical performance depends on testosterone, which is why. Low testosterone levels directly cause decreased physical performance, including endurance, strength, and speed. This happens due to testosterone regulating red blood cell production and protein synthesis in the liver (10). The regulation of bone density by testosterone may have an impact on athletic performance. Thus, as bone density decreases, the risk of fractures and other injuries increases. As a result, over time, this might have a detrimental effect on physical performance. Before it worsens, you must address the problem (low testosterone).

7. Erectile Dysfunction

Can't get it up? Testosterone is a key hormone in the male reproductive system. It also contributes to the development and maintenance of the penis, testes, and prostate gland. Thus, low testosterone levels can cause men to have erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse (11). This is due to testosterone regulating the production of nitric oxide, which is involved in the process of penile erection. Hence, testosterone does indeed regulate sexual desire, which can further affect erectile function.

8. Low Libido

Notice some numbness in your life? It could mean that your testosterone levels are down. Testosterone is a key hormone that regulates sexual desire in men. Therefore, having low testosterone levels can lead to a decrease in libido, or sexual desire (12). An explanation for this is that testosterone plays a role in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. This axis controls the production of sex hormones. Plus, testosterone also regulates the neurotransmitters involved in sexual desire, such as dopamine and serotonin (13). Therefore, a decrease in testosterone levels can cause you to lose your mojo and decrease your sexual desire. Hence, it can negatively impact sexual function and overall quality of life.

9. Increased Body Fat

Feeling a bit chunky lately? Well, it could mean that you have low testosterone levels. This is because low testosterone levels in men can cause an increase in body fat, especially in the abdominal area (14). This phenomenon occurs because testosterone actually regulates metabolism and fat distribution in the body. So, when testosterone levels are low, the body's ability to burn fat is reduced. Thus, excess calories will be stored as fat, leading to an increase in body fat and weight gain. Plus, low testosterone levels can also lead to a decrease in muscle mass. This can sadly further slow down metabolism and contribute to weight gain. Therefore, a healthy diet and resistance training are needed to maintain a healthy body weight and increase testosterone.

10. Insomnia

An interesting symptom of low testosterone is insomnia. Men who have low testosterone have been suffering from sleep disturbances, including insomnia, because testosterone regulates sleep. Therefore, you can expect low levels of testosterone to mess up your sleep-wake cycle, which will unfortunately make it difficult to fall and stay asleep. Plus, a common sleep disorder in men called sleep apnea has also been linked to low testosterone levels (15). Hence, it is crucial that men monitor their sleep quality from time to time to better understand their overall health and well-being. Plus, who wouldn't want some extra quality sleep each night while also maintaining healthy testosterone levels? Exactly.

11. Loss of Body Hair Growth

Another unexpected symptom of low testosterone is loss of body and facial hair. This happens because testosterone is involved in the development and maintenance of male secondary sexual characteristics, including body hair growth (16). Therefore, low testosterone levels can in fact lead to a loss in body hair growth and can also cause hair loss on the scalp. That is why, as we age, more men become bald due to a lack of testosterone and poor genetics. However, if you fall under the category of poor genetics, try to practice good habits in order to damper down the balding process. Alternatively, you can try restoring lost hair by using certain medications prescribed by your doctor.

12. Decreased Bone Density

Normal levels of testosterone are important for maintaining bone health in men. Thus, having low levels of this hormone can lead to a decrease in bone density and an increased risk of osteoporosis (17). Interestingly, testosterone plays a crucial role in the regulation of bone turnover and mineralization. This means that low levels of testosterone can cause a decrease in bone formation and an increase in bone resorption. Unfortunately, this can end up resulting in a net loss of bone mass (18). Hence, the risk of fractures and other bone-related complications will also skyrocket.

13. Infertility

Men with low testosterone levels can also become infertile. Sadly, this can occur due to a decrease in the production of sperm cells. Testosterone plays a crucial role in the development and maintenance of sperm cells. Thus, it is rather obvious that low levels of testosterone can in fact result in decreased sperm production and quality, thus leading to infertility (19). Additionally, as mentioned earlier, low testosterone levels can also cause erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction makes it difficult for men to achieve or maintain an erection necessary for fertilization. Hence, low testosterone symptoms in a man can be quite brutal.

14. Gynecomastia

People with low testosterone levels can get gynecomastia, or the growth of breast tissue in men (20). Men with gynecomastia will appear to have breasts that resemble a woman's. There are plenty of reasons why this can happen. Firstly, testosterone helps regulate the balance of estrogen and testosterone in the body. When a man experiences low levels of testosterone, his estrogen levels will increase, which leads to the development of breast tissue. Plus, aside from hormones, other factors such as medications, drugs, and underlying medical conditions can also cause men to develop gynecomastia. However, if you're suffering from gynecomastia, do not fret because there are ways to reverse it. For example, hormone replacement therapy (TRT) may be used to treat gynecomastia caused by low testosterone by treating the underlying cause of low testosterone.


In conclusion, low testosterone level symptoms in men can lead to a bunch of negative health issues that interfere while one's lifestyle. From low energy levels to gynecomastia, low testosterone symptoms in men can cause a number of unpleasant health complications. Therefore, it is crucial that men practice a healthy lifestyle which consist of eating well and regular exercise. Plus, try out these 12 methods of boosting testosterone naturally.

Enjoy reading? Check out this related article: If I Stop Drinking Will My Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Go Away?

If you're looking to supplement your diet with a Tongkat Ali supplement, consider checking out Nano Singapore Shop! The Male Max Extreme is a popular option that can help you boost testosterone naturally and experience the associated health benefits.


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