What is a CFU in Probiotics?

  • One billions CFUs per dose proved to be more effective in treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) than 100 million CFUs (1).
  • Probiotic supplements containing more than 10 billion CFUs per day have been shown to be effective in reducing diarrhea symptoms (2).
  • A probiotic supplement containing 100 million or one billion CFUs per dose both enhanced immune function (3).
What is a CFU in Probiotics

A particular class of helpful bacteria called probiotics can be found naturally in the human body. They are crucial for preserving gut health and facilitating digestion. Nevertheless, how do you choose which probiotic supplement to take? The CFU count, which stands for colony-forming unit, is one of the most crucial variables. The amount of beneficial bacteria in a probiotic supplement is measured by CFUs, and the higher the CFU count, the more bacteria are present. Consequently, what is a CFU in probiotics and why is it significant? Learn more about the significance of CFUs when selecting a probiotic supplement by reading on.

What is a CFU in probiotics?

The term "colony-forming unit," or CFU, refers to the quantity of live bacteria present in probiotic supplements. The amount of good bacteria that are available to the body increases with the amount of CFUs in the supplement. Each "colony"—the unit by which CFUs are measured—can hold up to 10,000 bacteria. Any living cell that has the capacity for replication and growth qualifies as a colony-forming unit. The CFU count is used to calculate how many live bacteria are present in a probiotic supplement and is typically provided on the label.

What is the importance of CFUs?

Since it determines how many live bacteria are present in a probiotic supplement, the CFU count is significant. In order to keep the gut healthy and facilitate digestion, live bacteria are crucial. More beneficial bacteria are accessible to the body when the CFU count of the bacteria is higher. Finding a probiotic supplement with a high CFU count is crucial because of this.

What is the difference between CFUs and CFUs per gram?

CFUs or CFUs per gramme are two units used to quantify the amount of live bacteria in a probiotic supplement. CFUs measure the total number of living bacteria present in the supplement as opposed to CFUs per gramme, which count the live bacteria in a specific amount of a supplement. A probiotic supplement may state that it contains 2 billion CFUs per gramme, for instance, meaning that there are 2 billion live bacteria present in every gramme of the supplement.

What is the optimal CFU count for a probiotic supplement?

The ideal CFU number for a probiotic supplement will vary from person to person. In general, a probiotic supplement needs to have 1 billion CFUs or more per gramme. Nevertheless, based on their unique needs, some people might need a higher CFU count. The best course of action is to speak with a healthcare professional before taking any probiotic supplements.

What should you look for when selecting a probiotic supplement?

Both the strain of bacteria present and the CFUs of bacteria per dose should be taken into account when choosing a probiotic supplement. A high CFU count guarantees that the supplement's beneficial bacteria will be absorbed by the body. Finding a probiotic supplement that contains a variety of different strains of advantageous bacteria is also crucial. It is crucial to choose a supplement with a variety of strains of beneficial bacteria because different strains can offer various advantages.

What are the risks of taking a probiotic supplement with a low CFU count?

It can be dangerous to take probiotic supplements with low CFU counts because they might not contain the good bacteria necessary to keep the gut healthy. The overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the gut brought on by low CFU counts can also result in digestive problems. Choosing a probiotic supplement with a high CFU count is crucial to ensuring that the body can access the good bacteria.


1. What does CFU stand for?

CFU meaning: A CFU stands for colony-forming unit and it is a measure of the number of live bacteria in a probiotic supplement. The more CFUs present in the supplement, the higher the number of beneficial bacteria that are available to the body.

2. What is a colony-forming unit?

A colony-forming unit (CFU) is a measurement used to estimate the number of viable (live) cells, such as bacteria or fungi, in a sample.

3. How many CFUs of probiotics should I take?

The optimal CFU count for a probiotic supplement will depend on the individual person. Generally, a probiotic supplement should contain at least 1 billion CFUs per gram. However, some people may require a higher CFU count depending on their individual needs.

4. What are the risks of taking a probiotic supplement with a low CFU count?

Taking a probiotic supplement with a low CFU count can be risky because it may not provide the beneficial bacteria needed to maintain a healthy gut. Low CFU counts can also lead to an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut, which can cause digestive issues. It is important to select a probiotic supplement with a high CFU count to ensure that the beneficial bacteria are available to the body.


Probiotics are crucial for digestion support and preserving gut health. Look for a probiotic supplement that has a high CFU count when making your choice. The amount of beneficial bacteria in a probiotic supplement is measured by CFUs, and the higher the CFU count, the more bacteria are present. Finding a probiotic supplement that contains a variety of different strains of advantageous bacteria is also crucial. Because it might not contain the good bacteria required to maintain a healthy gut, taking a probiotic supplement with a low CFU count can be risky. The best course of action is to speak with a healthcare professional before taking any probiotic supplements.

Enjoy reading? Check out this related article: How & When To Take Probiotics: Complete Guide

If you are looking to supplement probiotics in your diet, check out Nano Singapore Shop! You can grab the famous Probiotic 40 Billion CFU to meet your dietary needs and enjoy the associated health benefits!


  1. Yu H, Guo Z, Shen S, Shan W, Huang C, Zhu H, Xu W. Randomized Clinical Trial: Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum 299v on Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2018 Apr;52 Suppl 1, Proceedings from the 8th Probiotics, Prebiotics & New Foods for Microbiota and Human Health meeting, held in Rome, Italy from September 10 to 12, 2017:S36-S41. https://journals.lww.com/jcge/Abstract/2018/04000/Randomized_Clinical_Trial__Effect_of_Lactobacillus.3.aspx
  2. McFarland LV, Evans CT, Goldstein EJC. Probiotics for the Prevention and Treatment of Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2019 Aug;53(7):500-506. https://journals.lww.com/jcge/Abstract/2019/09000/Probiotics_for_the_Prevention_and_Treatment_of.6.aspx
  3. Langkamp-Henken B, Rowe CC, Ford AL, Christman MC, Nieves C Jr, Khouri L, Specht GJ, Girard SA, Spaiser SJ, Dahl WJ. Bifidobacterium bifidum R0071 results in a greater proportion of healthy days and a lower percentage of academically stressed students reporting a day of cold/flu: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Br J Nutr. 2015 Jan 28;113(2):426-34. https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/145/2/399/4616846


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