Is Green Tea Good for Hangovers?

  • Green tea extract can significantly alleviate headaches caused by hangovers (1).
  • Green tea extract has a protective effect on the liver, lowering indicators of liver damage from alcohol (2).
Is Green Tea Good for Hangovers Here's What Research Suggest

Are you sick of waking up from a night of binge drinking with a pounding headache and an upset stomach? There may be a natural remedy to help ease your suffering from hangovers, which can be a real bummer. The beverage green tea, which has been praised for its many health advantages. But is green tea good for hangovers? In this article, we examine the research to determine whether green tea is the magic remedy you need to beat the hangover. We examine the science behind green tea's conceivably hangover-relieving effects, from its antioxidant properties to its capacity to hydrate and detoxify the body. Continue reading to learn what the research suggests if you're interested in learning whether green tea can be your savior after a night of overindulgence.

What is Green Tea?

The leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant are used to make the tea variety known as "green tea." To avoid oxidation, green tea is made by steaming or pan-frying the leaves as opposed to black tea, which goes through a fermentation process. Green tea is a preferred beverage among those who are health-conscious because of the minimal processing it undergoes, which helps preserve the natural substances and antioxidants found in the leaves.

Asian cultures have drank green tea for centuries and are aware of its potential health advantages. It contains bioactive substances like flavonoids, catechins, and polyphenols that are thought to have a variety of advantageous effects on the body. These substances' anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties have been the subject of extensive research.

What Causes Hangovers?

Let's first examine what causes the dreaded after-drinking symptoms before exploring the potential advantages of green tea for hangovers. Alcohol consumption, which can result in oxidative stress, inflammation, and dehydration in the body, is the main cause of hangovers.

When you drink alcohol, it has a diuretic effect on your body, increasing the amount of urine you produce and dehydrating you more than usual. Dehydration may result from this, which can exacerbate symptoms like headache, exhaustion, and dry mouth. Additionally, alcohol irritates the stomach lining, causing nausea, vomiting, and stomach discomfort.

Additionally, acetaldehyde, a toxic byproduct of alcohol metabolism, can contribute to oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. The common hangover symptoms of headache, muscle aches, and general malaise may be exacerbated by these processes.

The Potential Benefits of Green Tea for Hangovers

It's not surprising that green tea has been proposed as a potential cure for hangovers given its antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties. Let's look at a few ways that green tea might help with hangover symptoms.

1. Hydration

Dehydration can result from alcohol use, as was previously mentioned. By increasing your fluid intake, you can fight this in one of the easiest ways possible. Given that it contains both water and electrolytes, green tea is a good option for rehydrating. Additionally, the caffeine in green tea can stimulate the production of urine, assisting in the body's removal of alcohol byproducts.

2. Antioxidant Effects

Green tea is well known for having a high level of antioxidants, especially a class of polyphenol known as catechins. These antioxidants have been demonstrated to protect against oxidative stress, which is thought to be a factor in the development of hangover symptoms. Green tea's antioxidants may help lessen some of the discomfort related to hangovers by lowering oxidative damage in the body.

3. Liver Support

The liver is put under stress by alcohol metabolism because it is in charge of breaking down and getting rid of alcohol from the body. Studies on green tea's potential liver-protective properties have been conducted. According to research, the catechins in green tea may support liver health and offer protection from alcohol-related liver damage. Green tea may facilitate detoxification and possibly lessen the effects of hangovers by promoting liver function.

Research Studies on Green Tea and Hangovers

Although the potential advantages of green tea for hangovers sound appealing, it's critical to review the scientific data to ascertain whether these claims are accurate. The effects of green tea on hangover symptoms have been investigated in numerous studies, though with varying degrees of success.

A study looked into how green tea extract affected hangover symptoms. One group of participants received green tea extract, while the other received a placebo. Participants were split into two groups. According to the research, those who received green tea extract had significantly fewer headaches than those who received a placebo (1). Other hangover symptoms like nausea and fatigue, however, showed no real difference.

Another study looked at how drinking green tea affected rats' liver damage caused by alcohol in the Korean Journal of Family Medicine. According to the findings, green tea extract had a protective effect on the liver, lowering indicators of liver damage brought on by consuming alcohol (2). Although this study was done on rats, it offers important information about the potential liver-protective properties of green tea.

Is Green Tea Good for Hangovers?

According to the available research, green tea might be able to help with hangover symptoms in some cases. It is a promising natural remedy due to its hydrating qualities, antioxidant effects, and potential liver support. Green tea may have different effects on different people, so more research is necessary to fully understand its effects on hangovers.

It's worth trying green tea as a hangover cure if you're thinking about it to see if it works for you. Most people can generally drink moderate amounts of green tea without any problems. However, it's important to keep in mind that green tea does contain caffeine, so it's best to speak with a healthcare provider before making it a regular part of your hangover routine if you're caffeine sensitive or have any underlying medical conditions.

Furthermore, although green tea may help with some hangover symptoms, it is not a panacea. Drinking alcohol in moderation, staying hydrated, and eating a healthy meal before drinking are the best ways to avoid hangovers. Although green tea can be a beneficial addition to these preventative measures, it cannot take the place of sensible drinking practices.

Other potential remedies for hangovers

Although green tea has potential as a hangover cure, it is not the only choice. There are numerous other treatments for hangover symptoms that people firmly believe in.

Consuming electrolyte-rich liquids like coconut water or sports drinks is one common treatment. Consuming alcohol can cause dehydration, and rehydrating with electrolytes can help the body's fluid balance return.

Taking over-the-counter painkillers like aspirin or ibuprofen is another common treatment. These drugs can ease the headaches and aches and pains that come with hangovers. However, it's crucial to use them sensibly and adhere to the dosage instructions.

Eating a wholesome breakfast that includes foods high in vitamins and minerals can provide relief for some people. This can give the body much-needed energy while replacing nutrients lost during alcohol metabolism.

Downsides of using green tea for hangovers

Even though green tea has many positive health effects, it's important to think about any potential drawbacks before using it as a hangover cure. Caffeine, which can have diuretic effects and may make a person more dehydrated, is a component of green tea. It might be best to choose herbal teas without caffeine if you are already dehydrated as a result of drinking alcohol.

Green tea also has tannins, which can prevent some nutrients, like iron, from being absorbed. In order to prevent nutrient deficiencies if you are already at risk, it's crucial to consume green tea in moderation and maintain a varied and balanced diet.

Finally, not everyone may be able to drink green tea. Some people might be allergic to tea or have sensitivity to the caffeine content. A healthcare professional should always be consulted before adding green tea to your regimen for getting over a hangover.

How to incorporate green tea into your hangover recovery routine

Here are some ideas on how to include green tea in your recovery routine if you decide to try it as a hangover cure:

  • Green tea is a great way to start the day. Brew some and take a few slow sips to hydrate and relax your body. For flavor, you can add a squeeze of lemon or a drizzle of honey.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day in addition to your green tea to replace any lost fluids.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast or snack along with your green tea to give your body the nutrients it needs.
  • Get some sleep Spend a lot of time resting and recovering. The L-theanine found in green tea may aid in relaxation and a restful night's sleep.

Keep in mind that different people will experience green tea differently and that it is not a miracle cure for hangovers. Always pay attention to your body's signals, and seek medical help if your symptoms worsen or persist.

Other health benefits of green tea

Green tea has many health advantages in addition to possibly helping with hangovers. Antioxidants found in abundance in it can aid in preventing chronic illnesses like heart disease and some forms of cancer. Additionally, green tea has been linked to better memory, weight loss, and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

Green tea also has antiviral and antibacterial properties that can strengthen the immune system and ward off infections. By preventing the development of bacteria that can lead to tooth decay and bad breath, it also supports oral health.

Green tea can be a straightforward and enjoyable way to support your general health and well-being in your daily routine.


1. Is tea good for hangovers?

Green tea in particular can help with hangovers. Green tea is one type of tea that contains a lot of antioxidants, which can help the body by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. Tea can also aid in hydration, which is crucial for recovering from alcohol's dehydrating effects.

2. Does coffee help with hangovers?

Coffee's caffeine content, which can help reduce fatigue and improve alertness, makes it a popular hangover cure. Although coffee may temporarily alleviate hangover symptoms, it does not treat the underlying causes of a hangover and may even make you more dehydrated. It's crucial to drink plenty of water and use caffeine sparingly.

3. Does caffeine help hangovers?

Caffeine can temporarily ease the effects of a hangover by boosting alertness and reducing fatigue. However, it doesn't deal with the underlying causes of a hangover and might make you dehydrated. Caffeine should ideally be consumed in moderation, and fluids should take precedence.

4. Does green tea hydrate you?

Yes, green tea can help you stay more hydrated overall. Although green tea does contain caffeine, which has a mild diuretic effect, the benefits of green tea's hydration outweigh this effect. It's crucial to remember that water is still the best option for hydration, though green tea can be a good substitute.

5. Is green tea bad for the liver?

Green tea, on the other hand, has been proven to have liver-protective properties. Green tea contains antioxidants like catechins that can help shield the liver from harm brought on by consuming alcohol. To keep your liver healthy overall, you should avoid drinking too much green tea or any other beverage.

6. Does green tea make you urinate more?

Caffeine, which is present in green tea and may have a mild diuretic effect, is present. This implies that it might slightly increase urine production. However, green tea's hydrating qualities outweigh this impact, making it a good option for maintaining hydration levels.

Conclusion: Is Green Tea a Good Option for Hangovers?

In conclusion, more research is required to fully understand the effects of green tea, even though there is some evidence that it may help prevent hangovers. Green tea is a fascinating option to investigate for hangover relief due to its hydrating qualities, antioxidant effects, and potential liver support. To avoid hangovers altogether, it is always best to adopt responsible drinking practices. Individual responses may differ, so it is important to keep this in mind.

Therefore, instead of reaching for a glass of water alone the next time you find yourself regretting the extra round of drinks you had the night before, think about grabbing a cup of green tea. It might just give you that extra push you need to recover from your hangover. Let's toast to safer and more enjoyable drinking!


  1. Srinivasan, S., Dubey, K. K., & Singhal, R. S. (2019). Influence of food commodities on hangover based on alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase activities. Current Research in Food Science, 1, 8–16. ‌
  2. Je, J., Song, M., Baek, J. H., Kang, J. S., Chung, H. J., Lee, K., Park, S. W., & Kim, H. J. (2021). Combined Water Extracts from Oxidation-Treated Leaves and Branches of Hovenia dulcis Has Anti-Hangover and Liver Protective Effects in Binge Alcohol Intake of Male Mice. Nutrients, 13(12), 4404. ‌


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