5 Ways to Maintain Your Bones Healthy

Bones support our bodies, allowing us to utilize our muscles to walk, ride bikes, and even hold a baby. They safeguard our organs as well as store and release calcium.

  • In this article, we will learn about the bones -- how they function and grow, repair or weaken and break.
  • Why Is Bone Health So Important?
  • Calcium is a mineral that is essential for the construction of strong bones and maintaining them and is also crucial to the functions of all cells that make up our bodies.

Bones perform a variety of tasks throughout the body -- giving structure and protecting organs, anchoring muscles, and storage of calcium. Developing strong and healthy bones throughout adolescence and early childhood is important. It is also possible to take steps in adulthood to safeguard your bones health.

5 Ways to Maintain Your Bones Healthy

The most important thing is that we have discovered more about the process of bone metabolism and how bone constantly changes in its way, regenerating itself throughout our lives. We know that certain people are at greater risk of weakening their bones (1)because their bone metabolism is causing an excessive loss of bone and doesn't support the adequate building of bone.

Fitness and proper nutrition are essential to maintaining bone health but can't solve this metabolic issue. Doctors, however, can offer treatment to those who are at risk of weakening their bones. Based on the National Institutes of Health (NIH), most Americans over 50 suffer from weak bones. The positive side is that regardless of how old we may be, there are many options we can take to keep bones from losing their strength and create new bone.

5 Ways to Maintain Your Bones Healthy

Why Is Bone Health So Important?

Your bones are always changing as new bone is created and old bones are broken down. As you age, your body makes new bone more quickly than it can break the old bones, and so your bone mass grows. The majority of people attain their maximum bone mass at 30. Then, the process of bone growth continues. However, you lose a little greater bone volume than what you increase.

Between childhood and adolescence, the majority of our bone growth and bone density is observed. Girls reach their peak bone density around the age of 18. In boys, this happens around the age of 20. In adulthood, it's crucial to maintain bone density and slow down the loss of bone. As we age, our bodies begin to lose bone density. As women go through the menopausal transition, they are more likely to develop weaker bones. The likelihood that you will have a weaken and brittle bone -- is contingent on the amount of bone mass you gain at age 30 and how quickly you lose it after that.

Photo by Netmeds

Maintain Bone Health by focusing on the Things You Can Do to Control

You can take various positive steps to ensure your bones are in good condition as you get older. Make sure you consult your physician for suggestions on maintaining your bone health and the impact of the specific health issues and medicines for bone health. (2)

1. Get plenty of fresh vegetables

Vegetables are the most potent food source for Vitamin C, which stimulates the production of bone-forming cells. Yellows and greens have been proven in research studies to aid in bone mineralization.

2. Perform Strength training

Strength training is particularly crucial for people suffering from joint problems in the lower extremities like hip or knee arthritis, which can hinder you from performing exercises that require weight.

The most important thing is to train for resistance -- also known as bone loading. That means that lifting heavier weights that require more repetitions could cause you to lose the bone health benefits of strength training that focuses on building up the resistance of weights. Begin by performing one to two sets of between 10 and 12 repetitions, focusing on muscles fatigue, and then intensifying the workout as you progress. To maximize the benefits while taking the least risk, breathing properly and training are crucial to ensure safe lifting.

3. Add vitamin D to your food

To absorb calcium, most adults require 1,000-2,000 IU to absorb Vitamin D each day. Vitamin D and calcium pills in combination usually don't fulfill the requirements. Most people who live north of Atlanta don't get enough vitamin D the traditional method -- through the sun. A vitamin D supplement can ensure that you are meeting your daily requirements.

5 Ways to Maintain Your Bones Healthy

4. Make sure you're getting enough calcium

The mineral calcium has various beneficial things in our body and is responsible for strengthening our bones. The daily amount (RDA) for calcium amounts to 1000 milligrams for those aged 19-49 and males between 51 and 70. For women over 50 and men older than 70 years, 1200 mg calcium is suggested.

Although calcium supplements can be useful, getting calcium from your diet is also essential. Broccoli, almonds, eggs, cheese eggs, tofu, and cabbage contain high calcium levels. Try to include a variety of vibrant vegetables into your diet to increase your calcium levels.

5. Consume more nuts, beans and leafy green vegetables

Almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are all good sources of calcium. Place a few handfuls of them in a plastic bag and keep it close for snacking on. White and baked beans are a staple in the traditional baking menu. Beans are also full of calcium. Take them by themselves or add them to soup with low sodium. Leafy greens are also a source of plenty of calcium. Collard leafy greens, kale, and bok choy all are great options.


Bone health is essential throughout all stages of life. But having strong bones is something that people often overlook because the signs don't usually manifest until the bone loss has advanced. However, there are plenty of diet and lifestyle choices that can aid in building strong bones and keep them healthy, but it's not too late to begin.


(1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4928581/#:~:text=Adequate%20nutrition%20is%20important%20in,go%20beyond%20these%20two%20nutrients.

(2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK45503/



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