What Does Bioavailability Mean For You? Here's Your Guide to Bioavailability

What Does Bioavailability Mean For You Here's Your Guide to Bioavailability

Do you feel confused about what bioavailabilty means and how it should impact your supplement purchases? Do you think your money is being wasted when manufacturers don’t seem to be able to nail down the perfect blend of nutrients in pills, capsules, or powders? Are you sick of seeing new terms and acronyms pop up every time a new type of supplement appears on the market? If any or all of these describe you, then stay tuned because we’re going to explain everything you need to know about bioavailability.

What is Bioavailability?

Bioavailability is the rate at which a supplement is absorbed by the body. In other words, how much of that supplement is actually absorbed by the body and ends up being used by the cells inside of you. Ideally, the higher the bioavailability, the more the body uses it. In other words, bioavailability relates to how much of a supplement is actually absorbed by the body, i.e., how much makes it from the stomach and intestines to the cells. Bioavailability is a big deal for two reasons: First, it is one of the most important factors in determining if a supplement works for you. If a supplement is not absorbed well, it will have practically no effect (unless it is an herbal supplement, in which case it can still have an effect, but not very strong). Second, it is an incredibly complicated subject, and virtually every supplement out there is either highly bioavailable or highly un- bioavailable.

How Bioavailability Works

Bioavailability is related to how much of a supplement you already have in your body and how much is entering into your cells. These two variables are key to how “bioavailable” a supplement is, i.e., how much your body will actually absorb and use. There are two main ways that ingredients get into the body. They can come in through the mouth, or they can come in through the stomach and intestines. If the supplement is in a liquid or powder form and is taken orally, the ingredients can go directly into the bloodstream. This is how most supplements enter the body. On the other hand, if a supplement is taken through the stomach and intestines, the ingredients have to be digested and broken down into smaller particles before they can be absorbed through the intestines. ​

Why Is Bioavailability Important?

Bioavailability is an incredibly important topic for several reasons. First, a low or average bioavailability does not mean that a supplement is “bad.” It just means that it does not work for you. It does not have the right ingredients to cure your health problems. It may look the same as other supplements on the market, but it just does not have the right ingredients to make a difference for you. Bioavailability is one of the most important aspects of choosing a supplement. If a supplement is not absorbable, then it will simply be thrown out by the body. It will not do any good. This can be due to many factors, but the main one is that the ingredients just simply do not work for you.

Which Foods Have High and Low Bioavailability?

This is a question that is frequently asked, and it raises the important issue of which types of foods we should be eating to make sure we are absorbing the best possible nutrients from supplements. The best way to answer this question is to take a look at the data on bioavailability for various foods and herbs (both foods and supplements) and also study the human digestion process and our bodies. There are a few things that you can notice about the list of foods with high bioavailability. - Most of the healthy foods on the list are also foods that are recommended for consumption on a regular basis. This is because they are so healthy that you may not even need to take a supplement. - The majority of the low-bioavailability foods are also foods that are not recommended for consumption on a regular basis. This is because the lack of bioavailability causes the body to be unable to extract the nutrients from the food.


All the content on this blog, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, are solely to provide information only. Any information/statements on this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, and should NOT be a substitute for health and medical advice that can be provided by your own physician/medical doctor.  We at Nano Singapore Shop, encourage you to consult a doctor before making any health or diet changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition.

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