How Many Meals Should You Eat in a Day? Here's What Experts Say

  • Eating multiple small meals spread out throughout the day may help speed up metabolism (1).
  • Eating fewer, larger meals can result in better weight loss and improved insulin sensitivity (2).
How Many Meals Should You Eat in a Day Here's What Experts Say

Do you have questions about how many meals you should eat each day? How many meals should you eat in a day? It can be challenging to decide what is best for your body given all the conflicting information available online. Others insist on eating six small meals per day, while some adhere to intermittent fasting. It's not shocking that a lot of us are left feeling disoriented and uncertain. Fortunately, authorities have weighed in on the subject and offered some clarification. The ideal number of meals you should eat each day will be discussed in this article based on the most recent research and recommendations from nutritionists. We can help you, whether your goal is to reduce weight, enhance digestion, or simply improve your health. So let's get started and learn the truth about meal frequency.

The history of meal frequency

For thousands of years, people have been eating meals. However, the frequency of meals has changed over time and between cultures. A single large meal was frequently consumed in ancient times, whereas two meals—one at midday and one at night—were frequently consumed in medieval Europe. The three-meal-a-day schedule that many of us are accustomed to today was first introduced during the industrial revolution in the 19th century.

The science behind meal frequency

How many meals should you eat in a day? Meal frequency is a complex scientific concept that is still being studied. Numerous small meals spread out throughout the day, according to some studies, may help control blood sugar levels, curb hunger, and speed up metabolism (1). However, other research has shown that eating fewer, larger meals can result in better weight loss and improved insulin sensitivity (2).

According to one theory, eating several small meals throughout the day keeps your metabolism active, which aids in calorie burning. The effect might not be large enough to make a discernible difference in weight loss, though. On the other hand, eating fewer, larger meals can increase satiety and improve portion control, which can result in fewer calories being consumed overall.

The benefits of eating multiple smaller meals

The ability to maintain stable blood sugar levels is one of the main advantages of eating several smaller meals throughout the day. Large meals cause our blood sugar levels to rise, which can cause fatigue and hunger a few hours later. We can avoid these spikes and keep our energy level constant throughout the day by eating smaller meals more frequently.

Eating several smaller meals throughout the day has the added benefit of accelerating metabolism. To digest the food we eat, our bodies expend calories. We can burn more calories overall by eating more frequently because doing so will keep our metabolism running smoothly throughout the day.

Last but not least, eating several smaller meals can help with digestion. When we consume a large meal, our digestive system must work harder to break down the food. We can give our digestive systems a break by eating smaller meals, which also makes it simpler for our bodies to absorb nutrients.

The benefits of eating fewer larger meals

While eating several smaller meals throughout the day may be advantageous for some people, others might prefer to eat fewer, larger meals. The ability to lessen between-meal snacking, which can contribute to weight gain, is one benefit of this strategy. By consuming larger meals, we may feel satisfied for a longer period of time and be less likely to reach for unhealthy snacks.

Another advantage of eating smaller, more frequent meals is that it may be more practical for some people. Three larger meals per day, as opposed to several smaller ones, may be simpler to plan and prepare if you have a busy schedule.

Finally, some research has indicated that intermittent fasting, which involves eating only during a specific window of time, may have health advantages. An increase in insulin sensitivity, a decrease in inflammation, and a promotion of cellular repair have all been linked to intermittent fasting.

Factors to consider when deciding on meal frequency

There are a number of factors to take into account when determining how many meals to eat each day. First and foremost, you should think about your personal objectives. While eating fewer, larger meals may be more advantageous if you're trying to gain muscle, eating several smaller meals may be more advantageous if you're trying to lose weight.

Your lifestyle should also be taken into account. It might be more practical to eat fewer, larger meals if you have a busy schedule. However, if your schedule is more flexible, you might find it simpler to eat several smaller meals throughout the day.

Finally, it's critical to pay attention to your body. Because each person is unique, what works for one person might not work for another. Try different meal schedules and pay attention to how your body reacts.

Meal frequency and weight loss

Losing weight is one of the main causes for considering altering meal frequency. Although spreading out smaller meals throughout the day can help to control blood sugar levels and increase metabolism, this strategy may not work for everyone. According to some studies, eating fewer, larger meals might be more effective for losing weight.

In one investigation, scientists compared the outcomes of eating three larger meals per day to six smaller ones. Both groups lost weight, but they discovered that there was no discernible difference between them. The group that ate three larger meals per day, as opposed to the group that ate six smaller meals, claimed to feel less ravenous and more satisfied.

Meal frequency and muscle gain

Eating fewer, larger meals rather than many, smaller ones may be more beneficial if you're trying to gain muscle. This strategy can assist in making sure you're getting enough calories to support muscle growth.

Researchers compared the effects of eating three larger meals per day to eating six smaller meals per day on the synthesis of muscle protein in one study. They discovered that while the rates of muscle protein synthesis were similar in both groups, the group that consumed three larger meals per day also experienced higher rates of muscle protein breakdown. This suggests that consuming larger meals might be more beneficial for gaining muscle.

Common misconceptions about meal frequency

How many times should you eat in a day? One, two, or five meals a day? First off, it's important to clear up some common misconceptions about meal frequency. The idea that breakfast is necessary to jump-start your metabolism is one of the most prevalent myths. While a healthy and vital meal, breakfast is not required to increase your metabolism.

Another fallacy is the idea that in order to stave off hunger and cravings, you must eat frequently. It's not necessary for everyone to eat more frequently, though it can help control hunger. For some people, eating fewer but larger meals fits their lifestyle and level of hunger better.

And finally, some people think eating late at night contributes to weight gain. While it is true that eating late at night can result in overeating and bad food choices, the issue does not lie in the time of the meal. For weight loss and weight maintenance, total calorie intake is crucial.


1. How much does the average person eat a day?

Depending on their age, gender, and level of activity, people consume anywhere between 2,000 and 2,500 calories on a daily basis.

2. Is it healthy to skip lunch?

Overeating later in the day brought on by skipping meals can result in weight gain. Make sure you eat enough calories throughout the day to maintain a steady metabolism and supply of energy.

3. What is the healthiest time to eat dinner?

For proper digestion, experts advise waiting at least 2-3 hours after dinner to eat. Additionally, it can encourage better sleep and stop nighttime snacking.

4. How often should you snack?

Some people can benefit from snacking, but it's important to pick healthy options and limit your intake. Whenever you feel hungry, experts advise having a snack every two to three hours.

5. Does it matter what time you eat?

Your general health may be affected by the times you eat. For instance, eating late at night can interfere with your sleep and cause weight gain. It's generally advised that you eat your final meal at least two to three hours before going to bed.

6. Do we really need 3 meals a day?

There isn't a universal response to this query. Others might prefer to eat more or less frequently, while some people may function well with three meals per day. The secret is to pay attention to your body and only eat when you're truly hungry.

7. Is it okay to eat 2 meals a day?

Some people, particularly those who engage in intermittent fasting, may find that eating two meals a day is a healthy strategy. Make sure, though, that those two meals contain all the nutrients your body requires.

8. How many times should you eat out a week?

Although eating out can be convenient, it's important to pay attention to your food selections. It's typically advised to limit your dining out to once or twice per week.


How many meals should you eat in a day? The number of meals you should eat each day will ultimately depend on your personal goals, way of life, and physical constitution. Eating fewer larger meals may be more practical and efficient for some people, even though eating several smaller meals can help to improve digestion, boost metabolism, and regulate blood sugar levels. At the end of the day, it's crucial to experiment with various meal frequencies and pay attention to how your body reacts. You can achieve your goals and improve your health by figuring out the ideal meal frequency for you.


  1. Ohkawara, K., Cornier, M.-A., Kohrt, W. M., & Melanson, E. L. (2013). Effects of increased meal frequency on fat oxidation and perceived hunger. Obesity, 21(2), 336–343. ‌
  2. Kahleova, H., Belinova, L., Malinska, H., Oliyarnyk, O., Trnovska, J., Skop, V., Kazdova, L., Dezortova, M., Hajek, M., Tura, A., Hill, M., & Pelikanova, T. (2014). Eating two larger meals a day (breakfast and lunch) is more effective than six smaller meals in a reduced-energy regimen for patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomised crossover study. Diabetologia, 57(8), 1552–1560. ‌


All the content on this blog, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, are solely to provide information only. Any information/statements on this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, and should NOT be a substitute for health and medical advice that can be provided by your own physician/medical doctor.  We at Nano Singapore Shop, encourage you to consult a doctor before making any health or diet changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition.

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