The 5-Week Workout Plan That Gives You Abs, Muscle and Gains Weight

The 5-Week Workout Plan That Gives You Abs, Muscle and Gains Weight

As the weather starts getting cooler, you start craving for ice cream, hot soup and cuddly sweaters. But that’s not all. Your new year resolution to get into shape is also kicking in. You plan to work out, eat well and build your core and six-pack muscles. Sounds good? Here are 5 workout plans for an effective ab-blasting ab workout plan that will give you abs, muscle and gains with ease: 

Cardio First – 55 to 90 Minutes

Although it’s important to have great abs, you also have to work out your lower body and upper body for a complete body workout. You can do this by doing a few of cardio exercises. You don’t have to be out for hours running to get the benefits of cardio. You can also do short, high-intensity cardio exercises that can help you blast fat and shed inches in a short duration. There are many cardio exercises out there, but the best ones for men to get a six pack, or shredded abs are: - Running - This is a great cardio exercise for men to get shredded abs, but you need to be careful about the timing. You should do it when you are in your fat-burning mode and not when you are in your regular dieting mode. - Cycling - This is another great cardio exercise for men to get ripped abs. You can do it in the gym or outdoors. - Stair Climbing - Not only will you stay healthy, you’ll also look great. This is a great cardio exercise you can do at home without anyone noticing.

Strength Training – 8 to 12 reps

We have all seen those “fit guys” have really thick, muscular but also really defined abs. Well, they’re not lying to you. You can get the same result with the right diet and workout plan. You can do that by doing a few of your own strength training exercises. In order for them to work, you have to be committed to your own workout. That’s what makes the difference in your abs transformation. Instead of taking the standard approach of doing crunches and other abdominal exercises, you can try out some of your own homemade workout routines. You can either make them yourself or buy ready-made workout programs online. There are many benefits of strength training that you can see in no time. These include: - It burns calories - Even a 15-minute routine burns calories, which will help you to get rid of excess fat from your body. - Builds muscle - Muscle is what you need to build a strong body, and abs are a part of it. Strength training will help you to bulk up, giving you a fit, muscular body. - Improves strength - Strength training is important for men to stay healthy, especially as you age. It protects your muscles from injury and helps you to move your body with ease.

Shredded Abs – 2 to 5 sets at 0 to 8 reps

When you are looking to get your abs shredded, you have to spend time at the gym doing abdominal exercises. But why do that when you can do it while watching your favorite TV shows and listening to your favorite music? Your abs will be as tired as you are, and that’s when you’ll be doing your ab workout. You can either do it while lying on a mat on the floor or you can do it while you are sitting on a chair or a sofa. For best results, you have to spend at least 30 minutes doing your exercises. If you want to get a really good ab workout, you can do it for up to an hour. You can also do it in the morning before you start your day or in the evening when you are done with your work.

Sumo Squat - 2 to 5 sets at 1 to 5 reps

Sitting all day is bad for you, especially if you are a man who doesn’t have the metabolism to burn the extra fat. If that’s the case, then you should try out the sumo squat. The squat is a popular exercise that is often ignored, especially by men. But you don’t have to be weak or out of shape to use this exercise. You can easily use it as your daily workout to get ripped abs. The best part about doing the sumo squat is that you don’t have to stretch your leg muscles like you do while doing an ordinary squat. You can easily do it while wearing your jeans or your swimming trunks.


There you have it - 5 workout plans to get abs, muscle and gains with ease. The key to having great abs is to work them. Keep your diet clean, get enough rest and make sure you are getting enough protein. If you do these things, you will have great abs in no time. Cardio is important, but it's not the only way to get a six-pack. These workout plans will help you get strong, fast and lean with no equipment required!


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