Fat Burning Heart Rate Zone: How to Calculate and Why it's Important

  • For most adults, the normal resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute (1).
  • The fat burning heart rate is at about 70% of your maximum heart rate (2).
Fat Burning Heart Rate Zone How to Calculate and Why it's Important

Most likely, you've heard of the "fat burning heart rate zone" if you're trying to lose weight and improve your general health. How can you calculate it, though, and what is it exactly? Understanding your fat burning heart rate zone can help you optimize your exercise regimen for optimum results. Your heart rate plays a critical role in determining the efficacy of your workouts. We'll talk about the fat burning heart rate zone in this article, how to calculate it, and why it's crucial for both weight loss and general health. This information is crucial for reaching your goals and making the most of your workouts, regardless of whether you are an experienced athlete or are just beginning your fitness journey. Now let's explore the fat burning heart rate zone in more detail.

What is the Fat Burning Heart Rate Zone?

When you exercise, your body burns fat most efficiently in the heart rate zone that promotes fat loss. This is the best zone for weight loss because it forces your body to burn stored fat as its main fuel source when you exercise there. Usually, your maximum heart rate is where this level of intensity falls, which is between 60% and 70%.

Understanding your maximum heart rate is crucial to determining your fat-burning heart rate zone. The highest heartbeats per minute your body can produce while working out is called your maximum heart rate. By deducting your age from 220 (for men) or 226 (for women), you can determine this number, which is based on your age and gender. Your maximum heart rate, for instance, would be 191 beats per minute if you were a woman who was 35 years old (226 - 35 = 191).

How to Calculate Your Fat Burning Heart Rate Zone

Your maximum heart rate (MHR), which is required to calculate your fat-burning heart rate zone, must be ascertained first. Your MHR can be calculated using a number of different techniques, such as:

  • Taking 220 out of the equation and deducting your age (so if you're 30 years old, your MHR is 190 bpm)
  • Determining your peak heart rate with a heart rate monitor while engaging in vigorous exercise
  • Consulting a medical professional or personal trainer for a more precise evaluation

Once you have your MHR, you can calculate your fat burning heart rate zone by multiplying your MHR by 0.6 and 0.7. For instance, if your MHR is 190 bpm, your heart-rate range for fat burning is between 114 and 133 bpm (190 x 0.6 = 114 and 190 x 0.7 = 133).

Although this calculation is just an estimate, it's a good ballpark estimate of where your fat burning heart rate zone is. However, your actual fat burning heart rate zone may vary depending on factors such as fitness level, genetics, and other health conditions.

Fat Burning Heart Rate Zone Chart

A heart rate chart can also be used to help you find your optimal heart rate for burning fat. These charts typically list different age ranges and corresponding heart rate ranges for different levels of intensity, including the fat burning zone. Here's an example of a fat burning heart rate zone chart:

Age Fat Burning Heart Rate Zone
20 120-140 bpm
30 114-133 bpm
40 108-126 bpm
50 102-119 bpm
60 96-112 bpm
70 90-105 bpm

Fat Burning Heart Rate by Age Calculator

The target heart rate range can be found using an online fat burning heart rate calculator if you don't want to do the calculations yourself. There are many free calculators available online, such as the one provided by omnicalculator.com. You can use the calculator to determine your ideal heart rate range for burning fat by simply entering your age and resting heart rate.

Why it's Important to Exercise in the Fat Burning Heart Rate Zone

Weight loss and general health can both benefit from exercising in the fat-burning heart rate range. To help you understand why it's crucial to include this zone in your workouts, we've listed a few reasons:

1. Burns More Fat

As was already mentioned, when you exercise, your body burns stored fat as its primary fuel source. Over time, this may result in a decrease in body fat percentage and more noticeable weight loss.

2. Improves Cardiovascular Health

Your cardiovascular health can also be improved with regular exercise in the fat-burning heart rate zone. It improves your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, strengthens your heart and lungs, lowers your risk of heart disease and stroke, and lowers cholesterol.

3. Increases Endurance

Your endurance and stamina can both be improved by exercising in the fat-burning zone. You can boost your overall energy levels and performance during longer workouts by teaching your body to burn stored fat as fuel.

4. Provides a Low-Impact Option

If you have joint pain or are recovering from an injury, exercising in the fat-burning heart-rate range can be a low-impact option. Walking, cycling, and swimming are all lower intensity activities that can be done in this zone and offer a secure and efficient way to raise your fitness level.

Exercise options for the fat burning heart rate zone

The fat-burning heart rate zone is suitable for a variety of exercises and other activities. Consider these instances:

1. Walking

Walking can be done anywhere, at any time, and it has low impact. Strive to maintain a brisk pace for at least 30 minutes in order to stay in the heart-rate range that burns fat.

2. Cycling

An additional low-impact exercise that can be performed both indoors and outdoors is cycling. Aim for a moderate pace and level of resistance that keeps you in the heart-rate range that burns fat whether you're cycling outside or on a stationary bike.

3. Swimming

Without endangering your joints, swimming is a full-body workout that you can perform. Swim at a slow pace for at least 30 minutes to maintain your heart rate in the fat-burning range.

4. Yoga

Flexibility, balance, and strength can all be enhanced through yoga, a low-impact exercise. Sun salutations, warrior poses, and chair pose are among the yoga postures that can be practiced in the heart-rate zone that burns fat.

Tips for maintaining the fat burning heart rate zone during exercise

To keep your heart rate in the range where fat is burned while exercising, consider the following advice:

1. Use a Heart Rate Monitor

To maintain your heart rate in the range that burns fat, a heart rate monitor can be useful. You can buy a separate monitor to wear while exercising or choose from one of the many fitness trackers that already have built-in heart rate monitors.

2. Monitor Your Breathing

You can also determine your level of intensity by paying attention to your breathing if you are unable to use a heart rate monitor. Conversation, but not singing, should be possible while working out.

3. Adjust Your Intensity

Adjust your exercise intensity level if you discover that you are not in the heart-rate range that burns fat. On a stationary bike, this might entail turning up the resistance, or it might entail moving more quickly while walking..


A level of intensity where your body burns the most fat while exercising is known as the fat burning heart rate zone. Your workouts can be optimized for weight loss and general health by calculating and comprehending your target heart rate. Walking, cycling, swimming, and yoga are just a few of the physical exercises and pursuits you can engage in here. You can meet your fitness objectives and enhance your general wellbeing by incorporating these exercises into your routine and paying attention to your intensity level.

Enjoy reading? Check out this related article: Which Vitamins Help With Weight Loss? 5 Vitamins You Should Be Taking

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  1. American Heart Association. Target Heart Rates. https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/fitness/fitness-basics/target-heart-rates
  2. Fat-Burning Heart Rate: What is It, How to Calculate, and Chart by Age. (2018, March 14). Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness-exercise/fat-burning-heart-rate#:~:text=Your%20fat%2Dburning%20heart%20rate%20is%20at%20about%2070%20percent ‌
  3. Mayo Clinic. Exercise intensity: How to measure it. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/exercise-intensity/art-20046887


All the content on this blog, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, are solely to provide information only. Any information/statements on this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, and should NOT be a substitute for health and medical advice that can be provided by your own physician/medical doctor.  We at Nano Singapore Shop, encourage you to consult a doctor before making any health or diet changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition.

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