10 Common Leaky Gut Symptoms And Treatment Options

  • Digestion problems are one of the leaky gut syndrome's most prevalent symptoms.
  • Mood disorders like anxiety and depression may be exacerbated by leaky gut.
  • If you find that you're struggling to focus or recall information, this could be a sign of a leaky gut.
10 Common Leaky Gut Symptoms And Treatment Options

Have you been having trouble with your digestion, your skin, or recurring infections? These symptoms could indicate a leaky gut, a condition in which the intestines' lining becomes permeable and lets dangerous substances enter the bloodstream. But what are leaky gut symptoms? Numerous health problems, such as allergies, autoimmune conditions, and chronic inflammation, can be brought on by a leaky gut. In this article, we'll examine the top 10 leaky gut syndrome symptoms and talk about practical cures. We'll offer doable suggestions to assist you in repairing your gut and enhancing your general health, including dietary adjustments, supplementation, and lifestyle changes. Read on to learn about leaky gut symptoms and treatment options.

What is leaky gut syndrome?

The condition known as "leaky gut syndrome," also called "intestinal permeability," is characterized by damage to the lining of the intestinal walls, which makes it possible for toxins, bacteria, and unprocessed food particles to enter the bloodstream. Tiny pores in the intestinal lining allow nutrients to enter the bloodstream, but if these pores enlarge, it can cause inflammation and the release of toxic substances into the body. Allergies, autoimmune diseases, and chronic inflammation are just a few of the health issues that can result from this triggering an immune response.

Although the exact causes of leaky gut syndrome are not yet known, research points to a number of potential contributors, including a poor diet, stress, medications, and environmental toxins. Intestinal lining damage and inflammation can result from diets high in processed foods, sugar, and refined carbohydrates. Chronic stress can also damage the immune system by upsetting the balance of gut bacteria. Antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are two examples of drugs that can harm the intestinal lining and raise the risk of leaky gut syndrome.

Causes of leaky gut syndrome

A number of things, including a poor diet, stress, ongoing inflammation, and specific medications, can contribute to leaky gut syndrome. A diet rich in processed foods, sugar, and alcohol damages the gut lining and raises inflammatory levels in the body, both of which contribute to leaky gut. Chronic stress can also have an impact on gut health because it raises cortisol levels, which over time can harm the gut lining. Furthermore, some medications, including antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can disturb the balance of the gut microbiome and cause leaky gut syndrome.

How is leaky gut diagnosed?

The lactulose-mannitol test is one test that is frequently used to identify leaky gut. Drinking a solution containing the sugars mannitol and lactulose is required for this test. The patient then provides a urine sample, which is then tested for mannitol and lactulose concentrations. High levels of lactulose in the urine may be a sign of a leaky gut in the patient.

The stool test is another examination used to evaluate gut health. This test can find inflammation, unbalanced gut flora, and other indicators of poor gut health. Healthcare professionals can create a successful treatment plan to assist patients in regaining optimal health by determining the underlying cause of gut issues.

10 Common Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome

1. Digestive Issues: Digestion problems are one of the leaky gut syndrome's most prevalent symptoms. Bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain are a few of these. If you frequently experience these symptoms, it's important to determine if leaky gut might be to blame.

2. Skin Problems: Skin issues like psoriasis, eczema, or acne are frequent signs of a leaky gut. Inflammation in the body, which can be brought on by substances that enter the bloodstream through the gut, is frequently linked to these conditions.

3. Food Sensitivities: A leaky gut may be the cause of your increased sensitivity to certain foods. Undigested food particles can cause an allergic reaction by sensitizing the immune system as they travel through the bloodstream.

4. Frequent Infections: A leaky gut can weaken your immune system and increase your susceptibility to infections. It may be worthwhile to investigate whether your gut health is a contributing factor if you notice that you're getting colds and the flu more frequently than usual.

5. Joint Pain: Inflammation from a leaky gut can affect the entire body, resulting in stiffness and joint pain. If you frequently have these symptoms, it might be worthwhile to determine if leaky gut is to blame.

6. Fatigue: A leaky gut is frequently accompanied by chronic fatigue. This might be as a result of the immune system being active all the time, which causes fatigue and sluggishness.

7. Brain Fog: If you find that you're struggling to focus or recall information, this could be a sign of a leaky gut. Inflammation in the brain, which can be brought on by substances that enter the bloodstream through the gut, can result in brain fog.

8. Mood Disorders: Mood disorders like anxiety and depression may be exacerbated by leaky gut. This is so because the gut and the brain are intertwined, and substances that pass from the gut into the bloodstream can have an impact on how the brain functions.

9. Autoimmune Diseases: Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis have all been connected to leaky gut. This is due to the possibility of an autoimmune reaction caused by the immune system becoming sensitized to substances that enter the bloodstream through the gut.

10. Hormonal Imbalances: A leaky gut may throw off the body's delicate hormonal balance, resulting in a variety of symptoms like PMS, irregular periods, and infertility.

Treatment options for leaky gut

1. Dietary Changes: Making dietary changes is one of the best ways to treat leaky gut. Eliminating foods like gluten, dairy, and processed foods that can cause inflammation may be necessary to achieve this. Additionally, eating more nutrient-dense foods like bone broth, fermented vegetables, and healthy fats may be necessary.

2. Supplements: A number of supplements, such as probiotics, digestive enzymes, and L-glutamine, can aid in the healing of leaky gut. These supplements can strengthen the intestinal lining and help to balance the bacteria in the gut.

3. Stress Management: Chronic stress can aggravate leaky gut, so it's critical to develop effective coping mechanisms. This could entail techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.

4. Sleep: Sleep is vital for overall health and can aid in the recovery of leaky gut. To support the health of your gut, try to get at least 7-8 hours of good sleep every night.

5. Exercise: Regular exercise can support gut health and help to reduce inflammation. Plan to engage in moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes each day, such as walking, cycling, or swimming.

6. Medications: To treat underlying infections or inflammation, it may occasionally be necessary to take medications like antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Dietary changes for leaky gut

Dietary changes are one of the best ways to treat leaky gut syndrome. Inflammation can be reduced and the gut lining can be repaired by eliminating inflammatory foods and replacing them with healing ones. Some dietary adjustments to take into account are:

  • Eliminating processed foods: Processed foods are frequently high in sugar, bad fats, and artificial preservatives, which can all harm the gut lining and cause the body to become more inflammatory.
  • Reducing sugar intake: Sugar feeds the bad bacteria that can cause leaky gut syndrome in your gut. By avoiding sugary snacks and drinks, try to reduce your sugar intake.
  • Eating whole foods: Whole foods are full of vitamins and minerals that can support gut health and lessen inflammation in the body. Examples include fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
  • Incorporating probiotic-rich foods: Probiotics are good bacteria that can help the gut microbiome get back in balance. Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi are a few foods high in probiotics.

Lifestyle changes for leaky gut

Lifestyle changes can also aid in reducing inflammation in the body and enhancing gut health in addition to dietary changes. Consider the following changes to your way of life:

  • Managing stress: Finding ways to manage stress is crucial for gut health because chronic stress has been linked to leaky gut syndrome. To help lower stress levels, try doing yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.
  • Getting enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is important for overall health because it can lower inflammation levels in the body. To support gut health, try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
  • Exercising regularly: Regular exercise can support gut health and help to lower body inflammation. Aim to engage in moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes each day.

How to prevent leaky gut syndrome

Maintaining a balanced gut microbiome and reducing body inflammation are the two main components of preventing leaky gut syndrome. Following are a few strategies to improve gut health and prevent leaky gut syndrome:

  • Eating a healthy diet: Supporting gut health and reducing inflammation in the body can be done by consuming a diet high in whole foods and low in processed foods.
  • Managing stress: Finding ways to manage stress is crucial for gut health because chronic stress has been linked to leaky gut syndrome.
  • Getting enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is important for overall health because it can lower inflammation levels in the body. To support gut health, try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.


A variety of health issues may result from the complex condition known as leaky gut syndrome. However, you can improve your general health and heal your gut with the appropriate care. You can support your gut health and feel your best by changing your diet, taking supplements, managing your stress, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. It's crucial to speak with a healthcare provider if you have leaky gut symptoms in order to identify the underlying cause and create a specialized treatment plan. You can take charge of your gut health and lead a full, healthy life with the right assistance.


  1. Cleveland Clinic. (2022, April 6). Leaky gut syndrome. Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22724-leaky-gut-syndrome ‌
  2. Leaky gut syndrome: What it is, symptoms, and treatments. (2019, August 21). Www.medicalnewstoday.com. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326117 ‌
  3. 9 Symptoms of Leaky Gut & What To Do. (n.d.). Amy Myers MD. https://www.amymyersmd.com/article/symptoms-leaky-gut ‌


All the content on this blog, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, are solely to provide information only. Any information/statements on this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, and should NOT be a substitute for health and medical advice that can be provided by your own physician/medical doctor.  We at Nano Singapore Shop, encourage you to consult a doctor before making any health or diet changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition.


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