How To Stop Binge Eating: 7 Tips That Work

How To Stop Binge Eating 7 Tips That Work

When you’re feeling down or stressed, food becomes your emotional crutch. Procrastination and self-imposed isolation can also drive us to binge eat when we don’t really want to. If you feel like your life revolves around food, then you are not alone! An estimated 80% of the world’s population eats too much, and that is probably more than enough reason to keep things under control. In other words, the sooner you acknowledge why you crave what you crave and why you binge eat, the easier it will be to manage those cravings in the future. Fortunately, there are lots of ways to lose weight and conquer your cravings without resorting to unhealthy measures such as crash diets or extreme exercise regimes. Today we are going to share 7 quick tips on how to stop binge eating so you can stay on track of your diet:

7 Tips On How To Stop Binge Eating For Good

Binge eating can be managed and tamed using these 7 steps. However, it is important to cultivate self-control from the start in order for these steps to take effect. If you're wondering how to stop binge eating when bored or how to stop binge eating when stressed then these tips will work wonders for you. Without further ado, here are the tips on how to stop binge eating:

1. Plan ahead for when you’re feeling famished

If you’re used to eating three big meals throughout the day, try breaking up your meals into five small ones. When you’re feeling famished, don’t just grab something from the fridge or the nearest convenience store. Instead, take a walk around the block, go for a jog, or engage in any activity that will distract you from your pangs of hunger. If you’re able to wait for 20 minutes, you’ll find that your hunger will diminish significantly.

2. Don’t skip meals

Most people skip meals in an attempt to shed a few pounds. However, skipping meals will only make you hungrier. When it's time to eat, you will have a hard time holding yourself back from binge eating. Thus, it is important that you learn how to eat to stop binge eating. You should at least consume a high fiber or high protein meal once a day to keep your hunger at bay. Therefore, you'll be less hungry throughout the day and you're less likely to binge eat.

3. Keep healthy snacks on hand

Eating healthy snacks can help you to stay energized and reduce your appetite so that you don’t need as many calories throughout the day. Snacks can provide you with energy while keeping you from feeling too full so that you are less likely to overeat. Healthy snacks can include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole-grain crackers, and watery fruits such as apples and pears. A great rule of thumb is to eat a healthy snack when you’re hungry and not when you’re already full. Also, try to avoid sugary and fatty snacks because they will only lead to excess calories. You can also try using your phone or a computer program to set a reminder to eat a healthy snack when you’re hungry. This is also a great technique on how to stop binge eating at night.

4. Exercise daily to burn more calories

There are tons of ways to get your daily workout in, from running laps at the pool to going for a hike in the woods. However, if you’re feeling like you don’t have the time for a workout, think again. Studies have shown that you won’t burn as many calories if you’re not properly exercising. Even if you have a busy schedule, you can find 15 minutes to squeeze in a brisk walk, yoga session, or pedometer-friendly workout daily.

5. Eat a rainbow diet

Eating a rainbow diet is one way to curb your cravings and keep your diet balanced. A rainbow diet consists of healthy foods from all the colours of the spectrum. Healthy foods in this diet include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts. Studies have found that people who eat a rainbow diet have a lower risk of developing obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

6. Eat with your fingers instead of a fork or spoon

Not only is it more hygienic, it is also a lot more satisfying than using utensils. Eating with your fingers is a lot more efficient and it takes less time to get full. You can use your finger to dip a serving of fruits or vegetables into a bowl of soup, or you can also use your finger to scoop up a serving of cereal or nuts. You can also try using a spoon to mix two servings of different foods together.

7. Drink lots of water

If you’re trying to lose weight, then you should make sure that you’re drinking water all day long. Studies have found that when you drink water before and after meals, your appetite is reduced and you’re less likely to overeat. Water also flushes out toxins from your body and helps to maintain a healthy metabolism. A better option than sodas and other sugary drinks is to choose water over them. Not only is water better for your body, it’s also much cheaper than sweet drinks.


There you have it! These were the 7 tips on how to stop binge eating. Hunger is a natural feeling that can arise in any moment, but you can learn how to stop binge eating and conquer your cravings to lose weight by following these quick tips. If you enjoyed this article, check out our other articles at

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All the content on this blog, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, are solely to provide information only. Any information/statements on this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, and should NOT be a substitute for health and medical advice that can be provided by your own physician/medical doctor.  We at Nano Singapore Shop, encourage you to consult a doctor before making any health or diet changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition.

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