Understanding NAD+ Supplements: A Guide to Their Potential Benefits for Health and Aging

  • Discover how NAD+ supplements can boost muscle strength and recovery.
  • Learn about the metabolic benefits of NAD+ in supporting insulin sensitivity and protecting against diet-induced issues.
  • Explore how NAD+ supplementation may improve cardiovascular health and cognitive function.
Understanding NAD+ Supplements A Guide to Their Potential Benefits for Health and Aging

As we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can affect our health and well-being. One important factor in these changes is Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+), a molecule that plays a key role in many vital processes, including how our cells produce energy and repair DNA.

Unfortunately, NAD+ levels naturally decrease as we get older, which may contribute to some of the physical and mental challenges associated with aging. This has led to growing interest in NAD+ supplements as a way to support healthy aging.

In this post, we'll explore the hidden benefits of NAD+ Supplements.

Why NAD+ Matters for Your Health

NAD+ is essential for many functions that keep our bodies running smoothly, including:

  • Energy Production: NAD+ helps convert the food we eat into energy that our cells can use.
  • DNA Repair: NAD+ supports the repair of damaged DNA, which is important for preventing age-related diseases.
  • Cell Health: NAD+ regulates signals that control inflammation and stress responses in cells, helping them stay healthy.
Understanding NAD+ Supplements A Guide to Their Potential Benefits for Health and Aging

How NAD+ Supplements Could Benefit You

Supporting Muscle Health and Exercise Performance
As we age, keeping our muscles strong and healthy is crucial for staying active and independent. Research suggests that NAD+ precursors, such as nicotinamide riboside and niacin, might help improve muscle health and exercise performance.

These supplements could boost the production of mitochondria—the energy factories in our cells—which may enhance muscle strength. However, while the early research is promising, more studies are needed to confirm these benefits (Nkrumah-Elie et al., 2021, Connell et al., 2021).

Additionally, nicotinamide riboside has been shown to increase a substance called acetylcarnitine in muscles after exercise, which might help with muscle recovery and overall health (Nkrumah-Elie et al., 2021).

Boosting Metabolic Health
Metabolic health—how well our bodies convert food into energy—is key to overall well-being. NAD+ supplements like nicotinamide riboside and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) have been found to improve metabolism and protect against the harmful effects of a high-fat diet. They do this by activating special enzymes that help our cells manage stress and stay healthy (Cantó et al., 2012, Yoshino et al., 2021).

Notably, NMN has also shown potential in improving how the body responds to insulin, particularly in women at risk of diabetes (Yoshino et al., 2021).

Promoting Heart Health
As we age, taking care of our heart becomes even more important. Some studies suggest that NAD+ supplements, particularly nicotinamide riboside, might help improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and reducing stiffness in arteries, especially in middle-aged and older adults (Martens et al., 2018).

These findings are encouraging and suggest that NAD+ supplements could support a healthy heart as we age.

Supporting Brain Health
One of the most concerning aspects of aging is the potential decline in cognitive abilities, like memory and thinking skills. NAD+ supplements have shown promise in protecting brain health, particularly in animal studies. These studies suggest that NAD+ could help support brain cells and protect against diseases like Alzheimer’s. However, more research is needed to see if these benefits apply to humans (Campbell et al., 2022).

How NAD+ May Help Your Brain

  • Supporting Neurons: NAD+ helps meet the energy needs of brain cells, which is crucial for maintaining cognitive function.
  • Protecting Against Damage: By influencing protective enzymes, NAD+ may help safeguard brain cells from damage.

Enhancing Overall Health and Longevity
Beyond its specific benefits for muscles, metabolism, heart, and brain, NAD+ supplementation is also being studied for its potential to improve overall health and extend the time we spend in good health (known as healthspan). By increasing NAD+ levels, these supplements might help the body maintain its functions as we age (Radenkovic et al., 2020, Verdin et al., 2015). For example, a supplement combining nicotinamide and D-ribose has been shown to improve energy levels, reduce fatigue, and enhance mental focus in middle-aged adults (Xue et al., 2022).

How NAD+ Could Benefit Your Overall Health

  • Improve Energy Levels: Helping you feel more energetic and less fatigued.
  • Support Healthy Metabolism: Reducing the risk of metabolic issues like diabetes.
  • Enhance Mental Clarity: Helping you stay focused and mentally sharp.

If you’re considering incorporating NAD+ supplements into your routine, you might want to explore products like NMN+ Complex. This supplement is designed to support NAD+ levels and could be a valuable addition to your wellness journey. While it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, NMN+ Complex may offer a convenient way to support your overall health as you age.

Understanding NAD+ Supplements A Guide to Their Potential Benefits for Health and Aging


NAD+ supplements, particularly those containing precursors like nicotinamide riboside and NMN, hold promise for improving various aspects of health, including muscle function, metabolism, heart health, and brain function. While the early results are promising, it’s important to remember that more research is needed to fully understand the best ways to use these supplements for maximum benefit. As scientists continue to study NAD+, these supplements may become an important tool for supporting healthy aging and improving quality of life.


  1. Yasmeen Nkrumah-Elie et al. "Dietary Supplementation with NAD+ Precursors to Support Exercise: An Evaluation of the Clinical Evidence." The FASEB Journal, 35 (2021).
  2. C. Cantó et al. "The NAD(+) precursor nicotinamide riboside enhances oxidative metabolism and protects against high-fat diet-induced obesity." Cell Metabolism, 15 6 (2012): 838-47.
  3. D. Radenkovic et al. "Clinical Evidence for Targeting NAD Therapeutically." Pharmaceuticals, 13 (2020).
  4. N. J. Connell et al. "NAD+-Precursor Supplementation With L-Tryptophan, Nicotinic Acid, and Nicotinamide Does Not Affect Mitochondrial Function or Skeletal Muscle Function in Physically Compromised Older Adults." The Journal of Nutrition, 151 (2021): 2917 - 2931.
  5. M. Yoshino et al. "Nicotinamide mononucleotide increases muscle insulin sensitivity in prediabetic women." Science, 372 (2021): 1224 - 1229.
  6. C. Martens et al. "Chronic nicotinamide riboside supplementation is well-tolerated and elevates NAD+ in healthy middle-aged and older adults." Nature Communications, 9 (2018).
  7. Yongquan Xue et al. "A Combination of Nicotinamide and D-Ribose (RiaGev) Is Safe and Effective to Increase NAD+ Metabolome in Healthy Middle-Aged Adults: A Randomized, Triple-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Cross-Over Pilot Clinical Trial." Nutrients, 14 (2022).
  8. Jared M. Campbell et al. "Supplementation with NAD+ and Its Precursors to Prevent Cognitive Decline across Disease Contexts." Nutrients, 14 (2022).
  9. E. Verdin et al. "NAD+ in aging, metabolism, and neurodegeneration." Science, 350 (2015): 1208 - 1213.
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