Soleus Push Ups: The Amazing Benefits and How To Perform

  • In the lower leg, behind the gastrocnemius (calf) muscle, is where you'll find the soleus muscle.
  • The soleus muscle' main job is to keep you stable and balanced.
  • You'll be able to keep your balance better, especially on uneven surfaces, if you strengthen your soleus muscle.
Soleus Push Ups The Amazing Benefits and How To Perform

Are you trying to improve your level of fitness? Soleus pushups are something you should try! This alternative to the standard push-up is not only difficult but also has a number of amazing advantages. Soleus push-ups enhance your balance, stability, and overall athletic performance by working the soleus muscles, which are found in the lower part of your leg. But how precisely do you go about doing this exercise? We've got you covered, so don't worry. This article will walk you through how to do Soleus push ups properly and give you advice on how to get the most out of them. So, whether you're a fitness enthusiast or are just getting started, keep reading to find out more about this amazing exercise and advance your exercise program!

Understanding the Soleus Muscle

Let's first examine the soleus muscle before discussing the advantages of soleus push-ups. In the lower leg, behind the gastrocnemius (calf) muscle, is where you'll find the soleus muscle. Contrary to the gastrocnemius muscle, which is in charge of quick movements like jumping, the soleus muscle' main job is to keep you stable and balanced. Although it is frequently overlooked in conventional workout regimens, this muscle is crucial for the stability and overall strength of the lower body.

The soleus muscle is better suited for endurance activities because it is composed of slow-twitch muscle fibers, which are resistant to fatigue. Running, hiking, and anyone else who wants to increase their balance and stability must train their soleus muscle. You can target and build up this muscle specifically by performing soleus push-ups.

Benefits of Soleus Push Ups

Let's discuss the advantages of soleus push-ups now that you are familiar with the soleus muscle. Improved balance and stability are two of this exercise's most important advantages. You'll be able to keep your balance better, especially on uneven surfaces, if you strengthen your soleus muscle. This is advantageous for anyone who plays sports like basketball, tennis, or soccer that call for quick changes in direction.

The mobility of your ankle joint, which is important for a variety of activities like running, jumping, and squatting, can also be improved with soleus push-ups. You'll be able to move more quickly and safely if you increase the mobility of your ankle joint. Additionally, by bolstering the muscles surrounding the ankle joint, soleus pushups can help prevent ankle sprains.

Improved overall athletic performance is another advantage of Soleus push-ups. You can increase the power in your lower body, which is helpful for a variety of activities like running, jumping, and weightlifting, by strengthening the soleus muscle. Additionally, you'll be able to move more effectively and lower your risk of injury in any activity by increasing your balance and stability.

How to Perform Soleus Push Ups

Let's discuss how to properly execute Soleus push-ups now that you are aware of their advantages. the following steps:

Step 1

Knees should be stacked over your feet at a 90-degree angle as you sit in a chair (alternatively, you can do it standing).

Step 2

To engage the soleus to a reasonable height, lift your heel off the floor.

Step 3

Return your heel to the ground slowly.

Step 4

Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Incorporating Soleus Push Ups into Your Workout Routine

Here are some suggestions for incorporating Soleus push-ups into your exercise regimen:

  • Start with a few reps: Since Soleus push-ups are difficult, it's best to start small and gradually increase the number of reps as you get stronger.
  • Incorporate them into your warm-up: The soleus muscle can be activated and strengthened by performing Soleus push-ups as part of your warm-up routine.
  • Combine them with other leg exercises: Combine soleus push-ups with other leg exercises like squats, lunges, and calf raises to maximize their benefits.

Advanced Variations of Soleus Push Ups

Once you've mastered the fundamental Soleus push-up, try these more challenging variations:

  • Single-leg Soleus push up: In this variation, you perform the exercise while raising one leg off the floor, which makes it harder and more core-intensive.
  • Elevated Soleus push up: In this variation, your feet are placed on an elevated surface, such as a step or bench, extending your range of motion and focusing more on your soleus muscles.

Soleus Push Ups vs Calf Raises

While calf raises and soleus pushups both work the muscles in the lower legs, there are some differences between the two exercises. Soleus push-ups target the soleus muscle, whereas calf raises primarily target the gastrocnemius muscle. In comparison to calf raises, soleus pushups have a wider range of motion and more fully utilize your core. Soleus pushups are a better exercise if you want to increase your stability and balance.

Soleus Exercises at Your Desk

Even if you spend the entire day at your desk, you can still exercise your soleus muscles by doing the following:

  • Seated calf raises: Place your feet flat on the floor while sitting on a chair. A few seconds after raising your heels off the ground, bring them back down.
  • Leg extensions: Leg extensions involve sitting on a chair with your feet raised off the floor and your back straight. Legs extended, hold for a few seconds, then lower them back down.
  • Toe raises: While standing up, lift your toes off the floor, keeping your heels in place. Hold for a brief period of time before lowering them again.

How Many Soleus Push Ups Should I Do?

Depending on your fitness level and objectives, you should perform a certain number of Soleus pushups. Aim for 5 to 10 reps per set when you first begin, then gradually increase it as you gain strength. Aim for 15-20 reps per set if you want to increase your endurance. Keep in mind to take 30 to 60 seconds off between sets.


Push-ups for the soleus are a great exercise to increase your athletic performance and balance. You can increase the power in your lower body and lower your risk of injury by working your soleus muscle. As you get stronger, remember to gradually increase the number of reps while avoiding common mistakes and starting with just a few. You can become an expert at this exercise and step up your fitness game with regular practice.


  1. Hamilton, M. T., Hamilton, D. G., & Zderic, T. W. (2022). A potent physiological method to magnify and sustain soleus oxidative metabolism improves glucose and lipid regulation. IScience, 25(9), 104869. ‌ 


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